Before anybody dumps Costco chicken.m, I only buy their organic chicken and I have never had a problem. I checked the internal temperature and they were all between 175-185, well over the safe temperature for chicken. It was so odd: as the pieces cooked, they shrank up, and then exuded a viscous liquid that bubbled. Pay attention to what is really going on! It's disgusting. The chicken is fully cooked through (I can tell based on internal temp, time in the oven, color of the chicken and juices), but the texture of the chicken is funny, almost like it hasn't been thoroughly cooked. Overcooking might play a role in your chicken's tire-like texture. Thought I was going to give us food poisoning, This is really concerning I'm in Colorado usa and I've bought chicken breasts from both walmart and safeway and cooked them to 165 internal temp (most times I go above it to make sure) either in the oven or on the grill and every pack I've bought for the past few weeks have had at least one breast that has that raw like texture. Texture: Undercooked chicken is jiggly and dense. Bro this just happened to me. When chicken is cooked for too long, the protein in the meat breaks down and forms a network that makes the meat tough and rubbery. Just too lucrative for globalized finance backed conglomerates to resist! I recently bought a regular ABF rotisserie chicken from a local health food grocery and it was stringy and had that raw texture. I just had some at Applebees last night. Wish we knew what this was about ! Now it's consistently "on", whether Walmart, small local grocery, Ohio Amish - it's all got it. its a relief to hear that this strange phenomenon with chicken isnt just happening to me! Time to shut off the comments. It is like a rubbery tough texture that kind of snaps as you finally bite through it. Ive been purchasing frozen 10# boxes of 5 or 6 oz. I am also a private chef and luckily have never served this, that I know of anyways, to a client. Knowing it's fully cooked, it just plain gross. Glad I am not the only person this has happened to. Who knows what their vegetarian feed is comprised of. Like the growth hormones in 1990s milk, and 6ft plus kids everywhere. But I'd take dry over this new crazy chicken texture. It didn't look funny or seem different other than mouth feel. Usually only got woody chicken from KFC and thought it was just fast food being nasty and told myself to quit. I again mentioned what the waitress said when the waitress came out she said she meant that the next FRIED chicken this time would be cooked through. It feels like an injection of rubber into the meat or something and it completely ruins my appetite for the evening. The result of these practices are breast meat that has grown to fast for the natural ligaments,muscles,tendons, and all the other natural growing stuff that needs to take place for meat to develop properly. First time to hear about this problem with drumsticks. Chicken that has gone bad will usually have a sour or sulfur-like smell. Its like humans cant understand the motivation of business to increase their bottom line without government interference. I had this exact issue today while cooking drumsticks. its so strange because in a package of two breasts, one can be fine and the other inedible! WHAT GIVES! .I accidentally hit a button when I was not finished typing. We spend money shopping, time cooking then we cant even eat it. They tout themselves as something along the lines as Bell & Evans and they are not even close. This sounds somewhat familiar to the chicken breasts I had bought. Nobody seems to notice that this is happening EVERYWHERE . Foster farms chicken breasts from Costco! Texture is an emerging challenge within the poultry industry. As I was cutting them I felt resistance while cutting. Regardlessomit the "overcrowding" word, as my phone decided to replace a word or two. The process is detailed and performed with great care. While researchers and geneticists attempt to find the exact cause and cure here's what you need to know. :(. I do better with Bell and Evans. Cooked thoroughly and smelled and looked just fine. My husband even e perform ex this with a McDonalds grilled chicken sandwich. no more wal mart. I know this is an older thread but it's still happening and now I can't find any stores that don't have chicken with the same problem. Why does my chicken have a weird texture? There is a "crunchy" texture when you put your fork into the cooked breast, that is also evident when trying to cut the meat. Maybe their tenders will fare better. We had signs about it in a restaurant I worked in about 3 years ago, but as far as I was aware it was never an issue. Very unnerving and it has happened one other time to me and I Had the same reaction. I knew it was cooked, but the way it felt when chewing was as if it wasn't. Sitting here looking up weird textured chicken breasts because Im eating one rn. We used to eat chicken 2 or 3 times a week. Perdue can have chicken. That being said I have only had this happen maybe 1 - 2% of the time of eating this meat I once loved. I was searching for the same problem and now see all these comments. I too have just taken to google to try and make sense of this weird phenomenon of eating perfectly cooked chicken in which the texture makes its seem raw. Sous Vide is cooking vacuum packed meat, right. Our Government is supposed to look out for and protect all of us! My oven is a convection with a built-in thermometer option. It happens probably 1 out of every 10 breast I cook, no matter how I cook it. Seems like a common problem. Of course, you don't have to eat the meat if you don't want to. Not knowing the reason, i search the internet and read an article from the Wall Street Journal. I have been completely avoiding chicken for the last 6 months, then ended up at mcdonald's last week and ordered a chicken legend on auto-pilot. ( stop giggling ) The farmers are either pumping them full of hormones or super rich foods to get the breasts to grow very large very fast. Most of the shampoo and perfumes and petroleum jelly prefix petroleum yes that goes in your skin it's systemic. Americans have no idea, that everything American on the stock market is now majority owned by all the same Global institutional finance entities, all bought up & controlled by finance. Really strange and sad. Do you think like genetics of chickens are changing really rapidly because of the use of all these antibiotics and chemicals? I cant believe this is happening to others AND around the world. After decades of working to produce more chickens faster, breeders can now grow a 6.3-pound birds in 47 days, according to the . We had to make omelettes. The random raw textures is still when over cooking @179 degrees. I actually googled this and your same query came up on this site. that was worse. We have seen this happen from time to time (including at dinner tonight). I have tried various cooking methods and nothing tenderizes them. If you notice any texture changes, such as increased softness, sliminess, stickiness, or residue, it's likely no longer safe to eat. :( dark meat (thighs, drumsticks, wings) always seem to be okits the breasts that are the problem. For me, the taste of perfume or cigarette smoke in my food is the biggest turn off. The protein fibers in chicken become elastic when they are not exposed to moisture. Without moisture, the protein fibers in the chicken become elastic. It very could be the "woody breast".or could be the frozen breaded piece of chicken was cooked ALMOST throughleaving behind a water center? Not always, but occasionally when grilling boneless-skinless breast of chicken the texture comes out crunchy. . this must be rooster or rat meat. But rest assure, the quality of taste reduce considerably after 24 hours in the fridge and reheated. I know my household has dropped chicken consumption dramatically. My sister swears by it and she has had the bad experience of weird chicken too. The Purdue Organic Chicken has been the gross stuff most of the time. These muscular issues are a result of selective breeding for really fast growth and high breast meat yielding chickens (which make up 98% of chicken breeds today raised by companies), and actually is not a result from hormones (as it's actually illegal to administer hormones to chickens and pigs in the US). I thought I was going to be able to save time driving, but Im going back to Whole Foods! Hopefully chicken farms are seeing these complaints and are considering addressing them! Different grocery store for sure. Tyson, just in general, should be crossed off the ole grocery list as it isits the probably the worst as far as product quality, and that's even excluding the "woody breast disease" issue. Its only been recently in the last few years Ive noticed this. Barf. I couldnt find anything wrong with it so I started to Google and thats how I found this thread! "It should have a pink hue with a firm texture and plump appearance." Practice looking at the chicken you eat out so that you can identify perfectly-cooked chicken every time. There are fiberous lines running through the breast and it was tough to cut. Chicken gizzard is a popular dish in many parts of the world and is often used in soups and stews. They were Bell & Evans. I have the same problem, the breasts are not edible, so crunchy. When I convert my file from OBJ or FBX file to STL suddenly, the surface just have these weird cracking texture all over, along with random black block What cause this issue and how do I stop it? I wish I could find a brand of organic chicken breasts that are not crunchy. I would start it at that temp but then drop it down to 375 and cook more slowly. We spit out those pieces. Sorry not Bell & Howell (lol) its Bell & Evans chickens. Chicken is the only meat I eat, but do no longer because of this same inconsistent and tasteless result of chicken production. There's so many interesting questions with this thread (lol). I had the same problem I thought maybe because I didn't pound it out. Why agriculture science in the 21st Century shouldnt be doing what they are doing for profit. Then I started tasting it in frozen chicken entrees - some pieces good, some pieces not. Weird texture and taste. I am never buying big breasts again! I will add, I haven't had an issue since moving away from Springer chicken. It's clearly a worldwide problem. This causes a texture that is described as "woody" when cooked. Like Janet Jessica I have also experienced this very same problem. Cant do raw feeling chicken , I work for a farm animal welfare NGO (we work with companies to improve their policies) and we've been seeing this issue come up a lot, as it's not only a quality issue, but a welfare issue as well. I recall them being more saltybut this was back in the land before time, so probably shouldn't have included them. Can't stand the texture and also because they have a weird flavor. If you know of a better brand please share. She aid she'd get another piece of fried chicken instead and would make sure it was cooked "completely" which terrified me as I am already ill and did not want to aquire any samonella. It's all about profits. Leaving chicken in a pan, oven, or grill for just a little too. I can usually tell when Im filleting a breast or thigh, Ive found that if I slice it thin enough and fry the heck out of it, its somewhat palatable. Learn something new everyday. At first, I thought it was a result of cooking frozen chicken that hadn't fully thawed. I have this issue too. I'm so glad I found this site. The dishonesty is systemic. Crazy that this is a known issue but relieved that its not just in my head. As many have described an uncooked piece of meat, yet it's cooked through. I cut it and it was a little hard to cut into but the when I started chewing it had a consistency or should I say texture of it being raw but when I looked at it it was cooked and looked fine. The texture really is unpleasant. I did not get the name and brand of the chicken but we will. She got irritated and refused to go into the garbage, although it was probably right on top. Im living in Japan and came to food52 searching for some answers as well. something is wrong with most of the chicken breast now a days. I thought it was the injection or saline or something, but it's actually a deformity of the chicken's muscles called "woody chicken" or "woody breasts". Trader Joes heirloomchickens are tough tasteless and dont feel cooked they used to be great now no good terrible & rubbery. This sounds like what I've run into. I said it felt like it should burst like a rubber balloon in the center. >.<. What I find is that the chicken has a milky white thick "skin" that is very tough and hard to cut through, and then has the same weird crunch that a lot of you have said. Well after that I invested in a meat thermometer off Amazon that had great reviews, and just now cooked some chicken and immediately checked the temp and it was reading 190 degrees fahrenheit in MULTIPLE spots. After doing a bit of research into this I found out that many chicken farms are growing their chickens far too fast and it results in their meat hardening like this. BRAND organic simple truth and now knowing Im not cray and theyre others seeking out a reason hoping my chicken has a hardbody- I guess I mightve found bc its a vegetarian and free runs their homeLands so yes its normal. Well there is insecticide in cereal..and not only foods should raise red Flags. It's been many years since I had a kosher bird (at relatives' homes.) I started to notice this Trent in chicken several years agoand no one really knew what I was trying to explain. Definitely not the chicken we used to get. I have only run into this issue with breast meat. It's interesting to me that it's so hard to find any information on it. When we can find smaller breasts at the store, they seem fine, but the larger breasts are rubbery and inedible. "I pay close to double what I used to pay when I was buying non-organic, but for me, its worth it.". It is so gross. Tough dark meat usually is indicative of old bird or a tad under cooked. Hi Trisha - I feel your pain and we should call the USDA, but not sure they can enforce anything. Cooked chicken that has gone bad will usually be slimy, sticky, and overly soft. I carry several government chemical licenses. But last night, this happened when I roasted some never frozen bone in breasts from the fridge. If you cook chicken in a skillet, oven, or grill for an excessive amount of time, the moisture will be sucked out of the meat, leaving you with a dry, rubbery bird. My research and experience has concluded that the possible reason for the off texture is the saline brine injected in most frozen and brand name chicken. It tasted like it was undercooked, but it was long enough.. and the color seemed okay. My husband and I noticed this same thing last year when we were eating grilled chicken salads from our local haunt. - kettultim While the politicians keep focusing our attentions and dividing us with the same old topics or issues that have been going on in my lifetime for at least the last 40 years they allow corporations to do whatever they want. Wonder if restaurants are seeing this as well? Raw chicken should have an orangie pinkish color, while this texture issue is coming from a raw chicken that has a pale white looking color. Has anyone found sources for good chicken? My friend reassured me it all looked done as far as what she saw. If your chicken breasts have been more tough than usual, you're not alone. Very odd. I did some experimenting and was pleased. We decided NOT to eat the chicken so I threw away 2 breasts, a little over a pound that I paid $12.00 for. People just aren't grasping the issue or aren't able to read and comprehend. These days, Caggiano only buys organic chicken breasts, and he seldom gets woody breasts. The texture is gross, even though fully cooked, it feels like it's raw, rubbery, gummy, very odd texture very unappetizing & unappealing. Hope they sort it out soon and if not I think Ill consider going vegetarian. I guess it doesnt bother him but we get ours from Aldi and they are HUGE so I am thinking we will pay a little more for them from somewhere else because I cant do it anymore!!! Wondering if the chicken is imported these days. What I've also noticed is a difference in color at the market. I'm glad to know this is a quality issue and not something more concerning. It has to have something to do with corporate profits, but, eventually, more and more people will become aware of this weird situation and start to back off a bit. Overcooked chicken can have a rubbery texture because when the protein fibers are exposed to the heat for too long, they lose . Not very "liquid". . Same problem year, been noticing a weird texture issue with chicken for years. We had this happy many times with chicken, turkey breast, and pork chops/loin.

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why does my chicken have a weird textureNo comment

why does my chicken have a weird texture