About 95-97% of them agree together. Cranmer a traitor and Latimer a vulgar ranter. They are called the Majority Text. Westcott and Hort's radical beliefs and deceptions are widely documented from their own material and their own words. 1883 Burgon publishes The Revision Revised, including a reply to Ellicott. Westcott and Hort Were Pro-Catholic! - Jesus-is-Savior.com The Reformers protested against this mutilation of the Lords prayer. "[113][114], In 1961 F. F. Bruce stated: "some of its distinctive renderings reflect the biblical interpretations which we have come to associate with Jehovah's Witnesses (e. g. 'the Word was a god" in John 1:1)". It was the Christians who replaced the Tetragrammaton by Kyrios, when the divine name written in Hebrew letters was not understood any more. A French priest, Richard Simon (1638-1712), was the first who subjected the general questions concerning the Bible to a treatment which was at once comprehensive in scope and scientific in method. The Satanic Influence on the Scofield Bible - Historicist.info Westcott and Hort were responsible for the greatest feat in textual criticism. Only this version would reflect the exact content of the Scriptures in the original languages, because 'The Bible is the Word of God as long as it is well translated'. 1848 July 6th Hort: One of the things, I think, which shows the falsity of the Evangelical notion of this subject (baptism), is that it is so trim and preciseno deep spiritual truths of the Reason are thus logically harmonious and systematicthe pure Romish view seems to me nearer, and more likely to lead to, the truth than the Evangelicalthe fanaticism of the bibliolaters, among whom reading so many chapters seems exactly to correspond to the Romish superstition of telling so many dozen beads on a rosarystill we dare not forsake the Sacraments, or God will forsake usI am inclined to think that no such state as Eden (I mean the popular notion) ever existed, and that Adams fall in no degree differed from the fall of each of his descendants (Life, Vol.I, pp.76-78). Almost all the advanced Greek courses were taught by the legendary . Square brackets [ ] were added around words that were inserted editorially, but were removed as of the 2006 printing. Does this fact prove just how unreliable the new versions are? He had enough proof from these to show that Jerome used corrupt manuscripts the same as were used by W&H and all later new version authors! 1, p. 94 [November 11, 1847]. 1846 Oct. 25th Westcott: Is there not that in the principles of the Evangelical school which must lead to the exaltation of the individual minister, and does not that help to prove their unsoundness? The Differentiator (June 1959), cited in Ian Croft, "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: Does It Really Have the Support of Greek Scholars? Answer:The Holy Scriptures must be thrown aside. Hort said this and so does the Catholic Encyclopaedia (Vol 4, p492). The impurity of the text exhibited by these codices [Sinaiticus and Vaticanus] is not a question of opinion but of fact. "Jehovah's Witnesses distribute free Bibles", "All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial" 1990 pp. They saw, that armed ONLY with the Latin, they could fight no longer. and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. was sanctioned by the Southern Convocation of the Church of England, and this provided the opportunity for Westcott and Hort to introduce their radical changes. The beginnings of the revision of the King James Version occurred at Oxford University during that period, known as the Oxford Movement, which began in 1833. They all, with other modern Bibles not mentioned, represent a family largely built on the Revised Greek New Testament, or one greatly similar, or were the products of a common influence. When I gave the school my researched information on certain claims made in the course, I was politely dismissed. They defended the inclusion of a Unitarian scholar on the Revision Committee. Biblical scholar. (See YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtUfgtgB_Is). As has already been established, both Drs. In fact, their work is so badly done and so obviously against scripture, that we can dispense with them altogether and just judge what they wrote! Not only this, but: The Rheims-Douay and the King James Version were published LESS than THIRTY years apart..The Rheims-Douay has been REPEATEDLY changed to APPROXIMATE the King James. This means that W&H, influenced heavily by Tischendorf, who was himself led by a corrupt document (Vaticanus) and a bad forgery (Sinaiticus), and all three edited by a Jesuit cardinal, formed the basis for those modern versions you may now be harbouring in your hand, heart, house, church or Bible school! We still do not wish it to be talked about, but are going to work at once, and hope we may perhaps have it out in little more than a year. (Life, Vol.I, p.264). [42][43], In 1989, a Translation Services Department was established at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, overseen by the Writing Committee of the Governing Body. 1853 Jan.-Mar. (1) KING JAMES BIBLE OF 1611. He points out, They promised not to publish their own revised edition of the Bible until 14 years after the publication of the English Revised Version (R.V. pp. After years of spreading pro-Vatican propaganda within the Church of England, the Oxford professor [Newman] finally jumped ship and returned to Rome where he was given a cardinals hat in 1879. Indeed, there is a very fair prospect of good work, though neither with this body nor with any body likely to be formed now could a complete textual revision be possible. June 4th Westcott to Lightfoot: Ought we not to have a conference before the first meeting for Revision? Their views on Scripture and the Text are highlighted. Origen, who was an Arian, didnt believe Jesus was God almighty, but a lesser god. But still more..Flushed with their glorious victory over the Jesuit Bible of 1582, and over the Spanish Armada of 1588..English Protestantism..They have to the world what has been considered by a host of scholars, the greatest version ever produced in any language the King James Bible, called the MIRACLE of English PROSE.(Hunt). cit., Vol. Note that! The Jesuits and Revisers accepted the mutilation. (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (Christian Lit. It is indicated that they provide a bridge between apostate Christianity and the occult and the New Age Movement. Test. They knew that MSS in Greek, of the type from which the Bible adopted by Constantine had been taken, were awaiting them manuscripts, moreover, which involved the OT as well as the New. I do not doubt that many genuine believers have been caught by this mixture, because of their regard for Strong. Members of the society taught the sons of leading families and served as spiritual advisors to kings.(mb-soft.com). [47] The new revision was also released as part of an app called JW Library. His work used sheer biblical logic and so he managed to deal a massive blow to the Jesuit fakery. [52] The complete New World Translation has been published in more than one hundred languages or scripts, with the New Testament available in more than fifty additional languages. He writes concerning the Sinaiticus.. From the facts, therefore, we deduce: first that the IMPURITY of the codex Sinaiticus, in every part of it, was fully recognized by those who were best acquainted with it, and that from the very beginning until the time when it was finally cast aside as worthless for the practical purpose. practically a sine qua non for co-operation, I fear I could not join you, even if you were willing to forget your fears about the origin of the Gospels. (Life, Vol. The phrase bless them that curse you is omitted from both the Revised and the Jesuit. Grady, Final Authority, p. 211). They were using the Jesuitic method adapted by Ignatius Loyola from an earlier baptized pagan, Clement of Alexandria (about A.D. 200). 1890 Mar. German Gnostic Theology into England. But the evangelical movement touched only a part of human interest." 148 Westcott's Mariolatry [127] Despite his positive review, BeDuhn said the introduction of the name "Jehovah" into the New Testament 237 times was "not accurate translation by the most basic principle of accuracy",[131] and that it "violate[s] accuracy in favor of denominationally preferred expressions for God". [115] He also stated that "some of the renderings which are free from a theological tendency strike one as quite good". "The Compact DiscWhat Is It All About? ", Perth, Western Australia. The way was prepared for dissecting all the books of the Bible and generally assigning late dates to their writings. His aim was to displace the truths in the KJAV with new truths (ever noticed how all cults, too, claim that the churches have been deceived for nearly 2000 years, and onlytheyhave managed to find the REAL truth?). Yes it is easy to outwit most Christians with lies. Jesuits were used by popes in an attempt to destroy the reformation, by inventing new Greek texts, which were not new at all, but reworkings of old heresies. Both of them were Roman Catholics.(scionofzion). . Reader of new versions, claiming to be believers this is the kind of man you follow, by allowing his words into your mind and heart! In 1832, John Henry Newman (1801-1890), vicar of St. Marys at Oxford, went to southern Europe, accompanied by Richard Hurrell Froude (1803-1836), another secret Catholic. (Baron von Tischendorf, quoted in John E Remsberg, The Christ, p. 272). Westcott and Hort: Translator's Beliefs 3rd Hort: But the book which has most engaged me is Darwin. [137], Thomas Nelson Winter considered the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures to be a "highly useful aid toward the mastery of koine (and classical) Greek," adding that the translation "is thoroughly up-to-date and consistently accurate. Westcott & Hort: their heresies and occult activities - RVG Anti Christ, Bible, Christianity, Doctrine, Roman Catholic Church, 3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? In addition to their many doctrinal heresies, strong evidence exists from the writings of both Westcott and Hort that they were involved in occult activities during the time they prepared their Greek New Testament. Northern Convocation declines to cooperate. The Two Paths Of New Testament Manuscripts - End Time Deceptions [80], In 1992, a digital edition of the New World Translation of the Holy ScripturesWith References was released on floppy disk. Hort even admits his ignorance of the Hebrew and Greek. These three men deeply affected later theological thought, down to our own time. A. Hort (1881) was used as the basis for translating the New Testament into English. so-called easy-to-read Bible versions have been corrupted by Luciferian-worshipping occultists. So, they began making changes to Bible manuscripts, because, after all, they were so wise. The Movement elevated Higher and Textual Critics to positions of power in the universities, so that propaganda could begin in earnest. A large number of new versions are based on W&H. (http://www.keithhunt.com/Bible12.html). That was why it then relied on its storm-troopers, the Jesuits, to do a better job of assassination of scripture, and its leader, Ignatius was the right warped man for its success. Rome is delighted that new versions base their work not on the original, authentic sources of the Bible they curse, the KJAV, but on the corrupt sources of the Alexandrian school, to which they subscribe. Warfield is here saying something important for those who want to know the origin of the new versions. This text suited the Roman Catholic Church well, since it attacked the doctrines of the Bible. One was to be used as a MORAL attack, the other as a PHYSICAL attack; both to RECLAIM England.. The principal object of the Rheims translators was not ONLY to circulate their doctrines through the country, but ALSO to DEPRECIATE as much as possible the English translations. [132][129] In rebuttal, Thomas Howe strongly criticized BeDuhn's positive review of the New World Translation, stating that BeDuhn's main goal is to deny the deity of Christ. And we can continue: As we have observed, continental (German and French) higher criticism was primarily concerned with destroying the value of the content of the Bible. Then, when Bishop Challoner got hold of the version, 1749-52, it was changed so dramatically that Cardinal Newman said the new version was virtually a completely new translation. Rome loves the fact that new versions use the Vaticanus and the later Sinaiticus, because both these sources are corrupt but Roman, taking people away from Reformation truths. It is also why, in our modern day, homosexuals want to get rid of the KJAV. For atheists, as if to lend Tischendorf some kind of respectability, they refer to him as a brilliant and pious German biblical scholar! During the Council of Trent, several Jesuits, notably Diego Lainez, served as theologians. Let me put it this way The letter A remains the letter A no matter how many times it is reproduced. They sent missionaries to Egypt, which was the land of Isis (Queen of Heaven) and Horus (the sun god), and Baal worship (which began with Nimrod). The edition, in two columns, is very well cared for; it includes a critical apparatus and numerous intertextual references. Desperate to ward off these closing events of human history and, hopefully, to quench them entirely, Satan began turning loose on the world a flood of error, apostasy, and perversion. The Latin was vanquished before the Greek..The Jesuits were obliged to SHIFT their line of battle. Moderate but not evangelical If he be condemned, what will become of me? (Life, Vol.I,p.94). The evidence is distilled down into a single page, which is broken up into the following categories: 1) What they did.

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