American Pot Story: Oaksterdam highlights the journey of cannabis advocates and concerned citizens in California during a time of significant change. Step 3: have 6-8 filters , jars &funnels ready, i usually have my alcohol oil mix into 2 liters glass mason jars so i can filter as quick as possible so the waxes, chlorophyll etc..does not dissolve back into the alcohol ( which will happen if the alcohol starts to reach room temperature). Here is a link to a DIY evaporator that addresses that issue. But how are these diamonds made? Be careful, though, as too much solvent or solvent that is too warm will dissolve . Besides simply smoking THCA crystals and/or mixing with flower, formulation specialists may want to combine these diamonds with terpenes or other cannabinoids to create a unique treatment for medical cannabis patients. If not, there's your problem. Then I quickly turn the glass to vertical, and the part of the puddle that is "runniest" flows down a short distance as a "drip". Once the extraction has a syrupy consistency, I use a vacuum chamber to purge off the remaining alcohol, and this is where things get complicated. I've looked into carbon filtration a lot, but this is the first time someone gave an actual number as to what is lost. Nucleation is when atoms begin to bond together due to reaching a specific temperature called the solidification temperature. The mind change is unmistakable. The THCA content of these crystals can be as high as 99 percent but can fluctuate depending on residual solvent and terpene content. I think together we can make it right . Method #1, pour your fluid into a glass, Pyrex pie plate, place a small fan in front to blow over the top. You can continue to grow larger diamonds utilizing super-saturated hexane and to improve the clarity of your diamonds using chilled pentane washes. FDA lists Hexane and Methanol as Class II solvents, while Ethanol and Pentane are Class III. Thanks. Each time you pour off the terpene layer and leave the crystals behind, the potency increases. Then, reduce the pressure in your system to -30 mmHg, or as low as you can go based on elevation, using your vacuum pump. I use isopropyl alcohol and water as a solvent system because it is inexpensive and much safer from a fire hazard and fume point of view than systems that use hexane. How long should i wait before the ethanol is gone, always seems to have a slight smell to it. Besides NIOSH, we also have U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) regulating what you can use and what you can leave behind: /blog-images/ I am sure about others, but for me Hexane is very expensive. While the black color was gone, slight ashtray undertones could still be tasted, so further refining was necessary with activated charcoal, but we will cover that as a separate subject. Filter is "slow" rated for fine crystals. If you have time to talk I am keen to learn more and would love to start a rappor with one of my idols. You can also place out in the sunlight for a few hours to breakdown more chlorophyll before placing into the freezer for the last time. And then repeat steps 1-7? #7 once you are able to obtain yout purified thca granules (90%+/-) re dissolve into new pentane hotplate in safe area with minimum heat <90f .try to use as little as possible as needed or it will take longer example (77 grams in 300 ml pentane) It appears however that azadirachtin by itself is hydrobolic and miscible in water. We use premium flowers - the quality is certainly there, still, we are hung upon being able to advise accurate dosage. On another note, we are not that sure anymore about complicating the situation further with additional processes. Do you do this with your cold crash crystals ? This is VASTLY more than our senses will detect, and is also VASTLY more than most bodies will ingest before violently regurgitating. My hunch is that environmental factors like ambient temp, the times of reaction involved, and maybe even a dirty seperatory funnel may have been factors I could not duplicate, and the fraction that I described was only a small percentage of the THC I recovered from the hexane layer so I did not try more than a few times to repeat the idea. A couple of points, and as the first seems to be based on an ASSumption on your part, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and infer it is from ignorance, as opposed to malice. To try and make that layer easier to see and remove I have tried heating up the salt water, and cooling it down. The picture was my ex-spouse. They differ a lot in price though. That long process results in 99.96% THC. I immediately place the dish used while still very hot into my vacuum chamber and pull it down until the gauge shows 30" or the pump starts complaining lolz. What I just typed is how I would attempt it. I think I am on the right track, but just wanted to get some feedback from the community. GW. Are people also idiots who do that too? Ostensibly Methanol would do an even better job winterizing, but would require tighter purging standards. I have tried this saline/hexane wash before on some oil few years ago. Further processing of these diamonds can be performed after the purge. I'm wondering in regards to using UV light, if Sylvania UV-Lamp 400W E-40 would be of choice or is it too powerful? I cover them with rubbing alcohol. Control Parameters: 109-66-0, Pentane, NIOSH TWA 350 mg/m3 109-66-0, Pentane, ACGIH TLV TWA 600 ppm 109-66-0, Pentane, OHSA PEL TWA 1000 ppm Appropriate Engineering controls: Emergency eye wash fountains and safety showers should be available in the immediate vicinity of use or handling. Washing dirty diamonds - Crystallization - Future4200 This will yank out the rest of the isopropyl alcohol and nab some water bubble too likely. I hope all this helps. Vapor respirator. The oil becomes hard and taking the dish out, the water left melts first abd pours off easily. Reactivity Alerts Highly Flammable Air & Water Reactions Highly flammable. might be a little off but it will at least give you some starting points . So time, temp, state of decarboxylation(therefor boiling point and acidity), residual solvents from extraction, and a littany of other "little" things can and will have a big impact on results. Diamonds, otherwise known as crystalline tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), have started to become more popular in the cannabis industry. Neem oil with azadirachtin has been given to children orally in the Far East for various remedies for a very long time. Pharmer Joe has successfully removed them using column chromatography, and with a Kugelrohr, Pharmgold Terp Trommel molecular still, as well as filtering through mixes of rare earths and clays. I was only given crude to do R&D with so every time I would get some id isolate the thca and add it to it, Nice! Put the filled dish and crystallization vessels into a vacuum oven using a drying temperature between 18-30oC. There are variations; if I am in a hurry, then I add salt to the iso/extract mix (non-iodized). The waxes will precipitate out of solution as the temperature drops and clump together so that they are easily filtered out with a standard coffee filter, or a Whatman #1 lab filter. What would your recommendation for maximizing the yield be, without doing a warm extraction? It takes a LONG time for the decarboxylation to occur doing this judging visually. As you may know, anything above 15 is considered polar, with water at about 80. ! This attests to safety. I "clean up" the dispensary extracts using rubbing alcohol. As of now we're pretty much cornered. I like iso because it falls in just the right niche polarity wise to target the medicine. Welcome to the new and improved Skunk Pharm Research! The flame gets intense. When using non polar solvents like butane and hexane, some non-polar waxes, fats, and lipids are extracted as well. Make sure your work area is dust/contaminate free. Hi All, Although developed from and for the West Coast American adult use market, the true purpose may lay in the medical market by segregating the purest molecule for targeted treatments. Ingestion. I have gone to using activated carbon pellets only in the vapor stream of my Vapir One vaporizer which is packed with carbon pellets in the chamber that the vapor passes into prior to the breathing tube. You could short path vacuum distill the extract. Hopefully, improving processing techniques and purifying cannabinoids will help lead to future cannabinoid-based research so we can begin manufacturing cannabinoid-based drugs for treating specific ailments, thereby moving away from the anecdotes that we have today. I wanted to know the best way to clean the 8 oz of green wax. But not 1 single rock. Protocol: Winterize the RSO oil in ethanol and filter out waxes, then distill off the ethanol. Commercial n-hexane is a mixture of n-hexane isomers with a small amount of cyclopentane, pentane, and heptane isomers. 2. Soooo, what if the extraction is really, really messed up, or if you just want to see how purdy you can make an extract? The resulting black gunk can easily be purified/purged much further until it is deep red (normally). The piece first appeared in Issue 16 of Extraction Magazineunder the title These Diamonds Likely Wont Last Forever. Reprinted with permission. I'm pretty much retired these days maybe considering a bit of a comeback who knows? I tried this with some older trim that was run with butane. I have done a LOT of seperatory funnel work, centrifuge work, filtering, cooking, distillation, and have even oxidized away Volitile components of extract with Hydrogen Peroxide by carefully creating an emulsion of extract at elevated temp with (drop by drop) 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Thank you sir or miss! The relatively pure iso evaporates off much much quicker after the rubbing alcohol has been "salted down". I have employed many solvents, including hexane, ethyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol, acetone, light patroleum ether, water, and a litany of polar household cleaners. I have my freezer set to max and my thermometer show a temp just under -10 C. The water components freeze and the freezer dries it. Im attempting to do a THC-A crystallization with pentane and would like some feedback/criticism if possible from those whove successfully used pentane as a crystallization solvent. Nowcan limes extract oil? Sometimes bad things happens to good oil, and evil spirits need to be exorcised, or sometimes the most economical process, or indeed the only available extraction process, extracts undesirables. Preliminary research into THCA has shown this cannabinoid possesses anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-emetic, and anti-proliferative properties. More on hexane purging in the subsequent process description for serious scrubbing: To put this process into perspective, I once collected all of my pipe bowl scrapings and roaches until I had about a pint of them, and dumped that into the container of black denatured alcohol, that I had been cleaning my pipes in. Floor dust,doggie hairs, and (yuuuuck) I walk barefoot on my floorsand did not get the cooties, just a little athletes mouth. I use a rod in the lip end to plug the cigarette and to hold it comforatbly from the heat. What evidence can you provide that suggests the lungs are not capable of dealing with this? I strain off the salt water and gunky middle layer. I use aluminum oxide as the stationary phase and the solvent system I use is water/iso mix. What Are Weed Diamonds? - MERRY JANE By re-dissolving their extracts in hot ethanol and then placing that in the freezer overnight, some of the undesirables will precipitate out and may be filtered out. When you smear it on white paper, is it green or brown? I got your book. Hey skunkpharm! I'm wondering if it will be possible to remove pam cooking spray from a run of bho. First of all any salt will greatly impact the miscibility of alcohol and water. While THCA is a useful cannabinoid on its own, the synergistic effects of cannabinoids and terpenes are not to be underestimated. Once you redissolve and have it at the saturation level thats desired, do you just pour that into the jar with the large seed? Before delving into how to make that process work, may I ask why you've chosen to extract with warm methanol. Hexanes dielectric index is closer to 1.3 and for all practical purposes, isn't miscible, so I thinking not. Question regarding Ethanol purging: I am positively certain that the product is fully decarboxylated and my oh my is it potent. Even then, pulling the product through will take horsepower because there will be so much unwanted material it will tend to plug up. What temp to let sit out at? You can reduce the pickup of water, water solubles, and other polar elements, by soaking in a non polar solvent, but if you do so at ambient temperatures you will still pick up the non targeted C-30 elements, and is more prone to pick up the ~C-30 non polar plant waxes. This time we decided to wash with methanol and saline water every second time. When held to the light the drip part of what remains is clear and amber. Once a distinct yellow layer formed just underneath the hexane. So far, a third of our flowers are processed like this. The diamonds I had took maybe 10 mins to dissolve but its a noticeable difference. The poison is in the dosage, so even for a salubrious ingredients like chlorophyll, some people can get too much of a good thing, producing digestive tract upsets, with attendant vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea. Let me go through everything in more detail. Fractions are collected as the process proceeds and the ones identified by the right color (light yellow in this case are saved out and evaporated off. The web says PAM is water soluable. The goop will run down the cool glass and become solid as each component in the goop cools to the point of this phase transition from liquid to solid (more or less). I've been fighting with this process and I'm trying to figure out exactly what I'm doing wrong or still need to do. Same with the eggs and so forth. At the time I did not think anything of the yellow layer but save everything to study later.

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washing diamonds with pentane