You have five choices. Continue north where you will find some guards and citizens fighting Owlbears, Hydras and Wyverns. Past the hydra are some rocks that you can scramble up. 25 days-or-so before the deadline, your kingdom will align with your current alignment, rather than the one you had back at the start of Act 1. Question him about his family - but don't have him executed as a spy - and agree to help him. Head to Silvershire and give her the emerald. There is a pack of four Owlbears about half way up. When you see Edna and Julia Aldori, cast Haste on your party. As the tied-up goblin predicted, the Owlbear refuses to touch him and turns on its keepers instead, killing one. You will find Verdel outside Kaessi's house. Check the cart to your right for ingredients and a new recipe, Succulent Sausages. For the best outcome select "Don't submit to despair". When Irlene delivers her first item, she will have a proposal for you. If you have a lawful alignment, you can order this bonehead back to the capital where he belongs. Morhalan is a Rogue / Alchemist and he is accompanied by three Brawlers and another Alchemist. (dryad tokens, coins, dogtags) you can also sell them to oleg. Mim has a broken ankle. Continue along the path to the end. Go outside to the square and speak with Ekun if you like. Agree to speak to Hassuf on his behalf. Besides Dumra, everyone's story is inconsistent. E. Swamp Witch's Hut - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough & Guide - GameSpot - Pathfinder Hero Point Tokens (Pack of 6) Buff up and head up the path. If you don't kill them now, you will have to deal with them a little later, so you might as well. You will find Mastro Janush's diary in a box on a shelf. You will receive this event about a week after Kimo delivers his first item. Search a rock just beneath it for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. If you have more time than that, reload the save you made earlier and do the Mother of Monsters quest instead. Climb the hillock to the south of him and search the undergrowth for the Taldan Horseshoe (4/5). The fifth cultist flees the scene. Some guards will helpfully absorb a few blows from it. Accept to unlock the Followers trophy. The other enemies simply need to be killed. She will want you to get a bottle of wine from Elina so that she can "steal Ekun for a moment". Search a crate near a rock outcrop for a pair of Bracers of Armor +4. Search its remains for a Shard of Knight's Bracers (8/10). Before crossing the Crooked River, you can check out the Hilltop Trail if you want another pair of Bracers of Armor +5. Kesten will pursue the fleeing cultist but you don't need to follow him right away. She may be an evil priestess of a very evil goddess but she's a competent advisor and gives you some redundancy for the Councilor and High Priestess posts. Olika's presence here is clearly linked to her troubled pregnancy but it wasn't a pregnant woman you were chasing through the gorge. Southwest of the nymph's projection you can find a poorly hidden stash [Perception 6] containing a Token of the Dryad, and beyond that a crate full of baubles. When the project is complete. Follow the route that you took to Sorrowflow. (DC22) option and Ekun will open up. Afterwards, something horrible will happen to the servant who complained of feeling ill: he will transform explosively into a Ferocious Owlbear. You see the clue about the limp if you succeeded in the second series of checks in the illustrated book episode (the Stealth check is trivial for Nok-Nok or Ekun). Head east from your capital. You tell Kesten about the Womb of Lamashtu and he decides that he, the captain of your militia, is the guy who should chase after monsters while you, the guy with the proven track record against monsters, should return to the capital. There's a chest near where he skulks which contains a probably useless scroll of Hold Person. They've got little to say right now, but you can search a pile of rocks to find a Token of the Dryad. Let the spiders come to you and disable the trap. Tristian and Jhod will arrive with the report for the events at Bald Hill, earning you 6500G. (add buffs, disarm traps etc) . If you had the Sweet Teeth weed the Narlmarches, you should have an emerald necklace. Question the Tedrims again and Kabron will claim to have broken his bow. If your alignment is chaotic, you can respond rudely Jamandi's haughtiness. There are various containers with minor loot and a crate with a uniquely named shortsword, Dogslicer +1. You will see more goblins, trying to entice a Primal Hydra into their village. This leads to an illustrated book episode. You can give this to Ntavi for some XP and she and Ekun will vanish. Backtrack to the previous fork and take the other path. If you were to use magic, it requires Heal. So what's new? Focus will switch to your other party members. If he is with you Tristian, as usual, will urge mercy. like the Dryad Tokens and what not. Continue south and force march your party all the way to Talon Peak. Have Linzi sing Inspire Competence because the lock on it is DC43. When you and the tribesmen have reduced the skeletons to piles of bones, a girl called Nilak will come and greet Amiri. After dealing with them, pick the Black Berries that are growing there. If your alignment has changed, you may be able to construct new types of buildings. There's a locked chest (DC34) in the camp containing a diamond and some diamond dust. The one at the top of the room is locked (DC27) and contains minor loot. Make the Mobility 21 check (it's a lot easier than the Dexterity 17 one). When it finishes, interact with the water. Drop a Stinking Cloud on their heads and slaughter them. If you don't pass the initial DC18 Persuasion check, reload. Look for a hut among the prisoner cages. You'll want to hit it with Cold Iron and Fire attacks to prevent its regeneration. Continue forward and you will see your rivals in the hunt, the Embeth Travelers, slaughter an Ancient Wyvern after which you have some options. Continue to the southwest corner where you will have to kill another group of spiders: two Doomspiders and two Quickspiders. Head through one of the fog clouds to be whisked away. There are two groups, the second spawning when you get within melee distance of ranged fighters. Regardless of your choices and successes and failures, you will end up in the Secluded Lodge. That's nice of him. The Tedrims aren't here for hunting, but there's also nothing that marks either of them out as a priest or priestess of a forbidden cult. Tiressia is a character in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.. Nearby is a tree where you can obtain a Mysterious Bird. It needs to killed and has 120HP. There are two Brawlers (Barbarian / Rogue) and a level 10 Alchemist. The Hunting Lodge is a short distance to the east of your capital. "CLICK" means that you've pressed the correct switch in the sequence: The wall will open up, allowing you to grab the unique Skullcrusher heavy mace. Let it get close so that you don't aggro it at the same time as the worgs near the entrance and then continue left to take out the three Greater Worgs and Alpha Worg. This leads to a good / evil choice that is harder than most. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. You can then send him to Jhod for help which is the best outcome for this sidequest. Regongar and Octavia will announce that they've also found Janush's ledger, which should say who originally sold them. Do not simply have the agent thrown out because that will lock you out of their companion quest. The next time Sharel delivers a gift, he will tell you that Morhalan has escaped. Spread your party out before attacking them, moving your squishier characters to the north of the area. There are also two stealthed Venomanticores. The Greater Primal Owlbear drops Bracers of Armor +5. Antiquities Collector does he exist? :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General a) Token of the Dryad, Cypress Queen's Flower; b) Wand of Burning Arc (27 charges). If you are able to make a Lore: Nature (DC20) check, you will note that the berries are fatally poisonous. Start making your way across the bridge. You may want to steal the Professor's Hat from whomever is wearing it, since you'll need to pass a few skill checks in the subsequent conversations. Admit that the picnic was a team effort and ask how he is. Ask about Ollie and she will tell you that he left on business and has subsequently disappeared. Before he dies, he will mention a place called the Womb of Lamashtu. After you've killed it you can find a Token of the Dryad in the undergrowth. Collect water from the pond and you will obtain the quest item Vial with Poisoned Water. Abandoned Hut - Chapter 1 - Trailing Tartuccio and the Stag Lord r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - Dryad grove solo - very difficult(spoilers!) Afterwards, you can free the prisoners from their cages by clicking on the doors. There is a trap just inside the gate and beyond that a group of around ten goblins. Act 3 - Season of Bloom - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - GameSpot Try and take it down quickly before it murderises both sisters. You will unlock the Bird of Prey trophy for completing the hunt. There's a pen in the northeast corner with a Primal Manticore which will become hostile if you open the gate. When you catch up with the annoying Horsereaper, you can murder him or let him go. Head south from this location and you will come across a group of "Marauders" taking advantage of the chaos. A short distance ahead is a Quickhydra. Keep an eye out for the Arch-Chemist behind the fence whom you may not initially spot until he starts lobbing bombs. It's not actually all that tough. Hug the left side so that you go up the path on the left. He says that trophies will be awarded for killing the three dire monsters and that whoever brings two or more heads back will be declared victors. Make a hard save here. You'll find a few scrolls and suchlike along with a Warhammer +1. When it's dead, your main team will rejoin them and you will be attacked by a Primal Manticore and a Primal Hydra. When they're dead, Elina from the Beer Mug Inn will appear. A locked (DC24) chest behind the counter contains some gold and a couple of potions and there is a bag in the room next to the kitchen with some provisions. Search around the hut to your left and you will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Encourage her to persevere (unless you enjoy failing quests). Storyteller is a character in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Before you can do anything with it, you will have to eliminate the creatures nearby: an Ancient Wyvern and Red and Yellow Dweomerwyverns. Your choice has consequences. When you catch up with him, you can kill him or let him go. The guards will probably hinder your efforts by surrounding the enemies. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Preorders of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Season Pass 2 on Steam, GOG, and EGS are open! When you're ready to wrap things up, speak with Linzi and tell her that it's the perfect time for one of her performances. If you are playing a console, you have no way of determining the current time and day (a significant developer oversight). Clear the DC27 trap and loot the cave. He is accompanied by a Winter Wolf which is fairly tough as well. You will have another scene with goblins and a wyvern which doesn't reciprocate their admiration. On the second rise, you will have to clear a couple of Greater Giant Spiders. There are three of them and they're not that tough. Your envoy will tell you of an urgent message from Jamandi Aldori, expressing concern that Varnhold has cut off all contact and demanding that you investigate. Continue making your way west. After you've destroyed him, loot Fionn's remains for a Frost Greataxe +1, a suit of Banded Mail +2 and a useful pair of Swiftfoot Boots. If your alignment is good or evil, this is easy. Tsanna can be employed and is more valuable alive than dead. She tells you that the gems were not enough and now her partner is asking for a unicorn's horn. But that's one less Primal Hydra in the world and 112 more XP on your character sheet. Due to YouTube's Policies I've had to remove the description of 217 videos - this one included!A website link got taken down, resulting in YouTube seeing it . If Kesten went to the Womb of Lamashtu first, things will play out slightly differently in this section. Your envoy will tell you that the scene you witnessed in the Hunting Lodge is becoming widespread. Otherwise, you will be speaking to someone named Kerreg. Head southeast and kill a (not very) Ferocious Hydra. Fire and cold iron will stop it regenerating. Visit him in Tatzlford and he'll tell you about his disastrous date. Assign an advisor to the Expert Mountaineering project which will cut your travel time significantly in the next chapter. There are a couple containers to loot nearby. Otherwise, you'll learn that she is hunting a gang of ruthless bandits led by - you guessed it - Varrask. It's just a normal Masterwork club, however, so save your money. I got a bunch of items with Golden symbols, what are they for? You will come across a lot of different items/treasure during the game. When you kill one of them, three Primal Giant Spiders, a Primal Spider Matriarch and a Ferocious Dweomercat will join in. Outside the tent is an Old Gnome whom you can speak to. Either way, you unlock a 20d project. When you deliver the absinthe to Mim and return to your throne room, you will be on a 14 day timer to complete the quest. Further discussion is interrupted by news that the peasants are revolting. When they're dead, you can grab some minor loot including a Ring of Protection +1 from their remains along with the Monster Casserole recipe. I recommend that you go to the Womb of Lamashtu first and for the purposes of a walkthrough, I'll assume that you're going to do that. Do not leave your throne room for the moment. He will tell you that he is no thief, having been falsely accused by a merchant in the capital. Feather Tokens - Errands - Side Quests | Pathfinder: Kingmaker Official Ask him what he wants and he will tell you that he wants to woo her with a gift, an emerald necklace to be precise. Head to Bridge Over the Gudrin River and start making your way east. You only need one for Irlene's quest and the other three sell for 125G each. Each dryad is bound to a single tree, most commonly an oak, and sickens (and eventually dies) if it moves more than 300 yards from it. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker on Reddit: My main character's weapon is in Search a chest on the northern wall for a Shock Greatsword +1. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Interact with the dais and place the Mysterious Bird on there. The quest will update when the countdown is 260 days. There are several sources for these "feather tokens" you'll need to appease Melianse: Buy A Pouch of Feather Tokens from Bartholomew in the Lone House area. Tsanna is most suspicious - she has a limp, has come in through the back door, has burnt something in the fireplace and is cooking something that isn't a meal. If you succeeded in the skill check, you can challenge him about the berries. If you feel ready, speak to Kesten to point the finger at a culprit. Dryads with druid levels add this racial modifier to their wild empathy checks. A box next to him contains some minor loot while a sack nearby contains a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4. Search the barrel outside the hut for the unique falchion, Beastrender. Refresh any buffs and continue south where you will find the Poisonous Hydra. Approach the portal and a Green Dweomermantcore will emerge. Head east through the gap to the south of Verdel's Smithy and you will find a bunch of guards fighting against a Purple Dweomerowlbear, a pair of Red Dweomerwyverns and other miscellaneous creatures. If you speak to Elina, you will see that she is growing close to Ekun so maybe you don't want to let Ntavi "steal" him after all. . Instead, meet them in the tavern. The next time you see him, Kimo will seem rather crestfallen. When it's dead, you'll discuss what you've learned: that the illness is caused by a parasite which incubates in the stomachs of the afflicted. You will see this notification around 220 days before the deadline. Like all Nereids, Moray has the annoying ability to fascinate party members attracted to women. Be careful because some of the lower ones will go round the long way to attack the characters you left behind. You will emerge from the fog south of the pond. Afterwards, you can raid their nest for two Owlbear Eggs. Your enemies are two 8th level fighters, a 10th level fighter who's a bit tougher than the others and an 8th level priest. When all the enemies are taken care of, grab some minor loot from the chest and go through the portal marked "The Twisted Passage". Make your way down the path. You can investigate further, but the most profitable option is simply to announce that you are the baron and he an impostor (Intimidation DC22). If you annexed Silverstep, you can recruit Mim now. Grab the Hydra's Head from its remains. However, after you've beaten her up, she will surrender, allowing you to question her. Stand your frontline in the doorway and let them come to you. Save your game and tell Jhod you're ready to begin. If Kesten is here and you went to the capital first, the goblins will be dead and he will be fighting an Owlbear on his own. If you spared her, the Priest will grant you Lamashtu's boon: +2 to Perception and Intimidation, +1 AC vs. animals and magical beasts. A Redcap will run further into the cave but don't follow it. At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a group of travellers. Even if you do have the right alignment to simply get the crowd to disperse, it is worthwhile to let the citizens air their grievances if you have good Persuasion. Loot a hidden cache nearby for some gold and gems. It simply tells you that new levels in the Tenebrous Depths have opened up. Dumb Question #3342-a: Dryad Tokens :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General The Hamadryad has 210HP and fast healing, together with the usual fey DR 10/cold iron and is more or less immune to most elemental damage. Tiressia is a local dryad at the Swamp Witch's Hut.She has lived in the area for an undisclosed period of time with her lover Falchos and was a witness to the tragedy that befell the nearby village.. Interactions []. If the lock is too tough for you, there's a key elsewhere in the area. Add to Cart. When the Shaman is defeated, turn your attention to the Winter Wolf. There's a body nearby with some minor loot. Make your way around the rock where you'll find a second trap. He tells you that the witch who slew his family can be found in the Secluded Lodge. The shaman will run off leaving you to deal with a horde of hostile goblins: Commando Commander x2, Sneakwhack, Horsereaper, Sentry x3, Roc Eye x2, Sly Eye x5. The other contains a Belt of Physical Form +4. Accept your reward or punishment as appropriate since you benefit either way. If you want to complete your circuit of the camp, head southeast. If you drink jagwart, you will have to make three Consitution checks (10, 11, 12), "[Stealth 13] Nok-Nok climbed on the roof", Primal Spider Matriarch, Primal Giant Spider, Spider Swarm x2, Quickspider Swarm. When Sharel delivers an item, he asks that you visit him in Tatzlford. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Continue to the tower and the Ancient Roc will fly down to defend her nest. Leave the area through the northeastern exit and you will be in an illustrated book episode. Campaign Coins. There's a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag under a rock and next to it a chest with scrolls of Acid Fog and Disintegrate. When you've killed them, a Hamadryad and three Treants will attack. Leave the cave and head to Tatzlford. Leave the settlement, go to Kingdom Management / Settlements / Tatzlford and build workshops for your new artisans. Make your way around to the gate. Search the body on the ground for a Dirty Notebook which makes for amusing reading and a Jagged Key which can open the chest in the Fake Stag Lord's camp if the lock was beyond your means. The Storyteller has a supernatural ability to . Grab the Owlbear's Head from its remains. You will find a Goblin Horsereaper who wants you to feed the Hydra in the pen next to him and tempts you with the "expar-ince" you'll earn. Behind the first hut are a couple of crates, one of which contains minor loot while the other contains a Token of the Dryad. This will unlock a piece of Curse research. He will tell you that he was slandered by a tailor in the capital, Morhalan. Head forward into the first cave. Ask him to show you on the map where to find her and head to Fey Glade. When the week is up, seek Irlene out again. Some dryads are bound to rare trees, such as a clonal . Afterwards, you get to question the Shaman. Head through the exit at the bottom of the cave and you will have a brief illustrated book episode. Force attack one of them and all four will become hostile. There's a trap among the enemies that you may need to take care of. After you kill the Owlbear that emerges, Urkhed is pretty ungrateful, all things considered. Dryad - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki If you press them you will see either "CLICK" or "THUD". The first part is played out as an illustrated book episode. Tell Sharel about Morhalan's arrest to complete the quest. Immediately afterwards, a battle will begin. Select the following options: This will lead to Nok-Nok winning the duel, eliminating the king as an enemy and gaining his crown, Stubborn Head. Afterwards, Dog will approach Ekun affectionately. Buff up (Haste is good) and head through, the eastern portal. He also tells you that goblins have started appearing anticipating the "day of glory for Lamashtu". There's a rock you can search for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Once inside grab some minor loot from the containers. Ask Tiressia (also located in the Swamp Witch's Hut area) for some feather tokens. Return to the kitchen and speak to the Tedrims' servant, Tsanna. As you exhaust her conversation options, be sure to peek into the stewpot. Do not, however, give her the gemstones because that fails the quest or agree to "support" her since that costs you 1BP per week. If you search behind the hit near the cages, you will find a crate containing some gold, a Robe of Air and a Melted Shard of a Ring (11/13). To the left of the pond you will find two Primal Manticores if you insist on killing everything. If one of your advisors didn't make it, the surviving advisor will want you to do the other thing (i.e. There is also a seemingly endless stream of wolves which are the work of a Bandit Conjurer who should be terminated with extreme prejudice. Check "An Ancient Curse, Part Three" in your journal. Afterwards, you can simply burn it. Start making your way west where you will encounter a Black Dweomerowlbear and a Greater Enraged Owlbear. Agree to track down the poachers. Kill time until then - I annexed North Narlmarches. You can pick up Masterwork shortswords from the dead goblins. Amiri will reveal that the men of her tribe tried to murder her but she turned the tables on them. By this point, you should be able to defeat the enemies regardless. When the party's over, you will be back in your throne room. When you get to the bears' location, search a rock for a Token of the Dryad. I know about the herb cache at Abandoned Hut. We've fixed the issue with some spells failing instead of being cast, such as cure wounds, and many other issues as well.

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pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad