Such alternatives may include, but shall not be limited to, the provision of medical, educational, psychiatric, psychological, social work, counseling, day care, or homemaking services with monitoring wherever necessary by the cabinet or other appropriate agency. According to the. Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula. Paula Gomez Oct 21, 2015 McNeese State University Quick-list your top 10 favorite aspects of being an adult (or, if you're not yet an adult, the top 10 things you look forward to about being an adult)! We respect your email privacy Edward Bowles of Kentucky is not the first offender to challenge a conviction based on the testimony of Tennessee's discredited former chief medical examiner, Dr. Charles Harlan. They let these people abuse my baby and did nothing. I'm just reading about the details and there is more to the story. Order here! No matter how many times I fought or appealed it, I lost and was called a bulldog by social workers because Ive never given up speaking the truth. If you know people who are skeptical and cannot believe that medical kidnappinghappens in the U.S. today, this is the book for them! "The reality is, what we risk by not taking chemotherapy, just as what we risk by not taking vaccines, is much, much worse.". Please check your email inbox or spam folder for our confirmation email. The OIG report also reprimanded the Cabinet for its, The vagueness of the definitions of neglect, abuse, and a dependent child under KRS 600.020 makes it difficult to apply the statute in a fair and uniform fashion. I can tell you this much were not getting any were individually telling our storys hoping someone will come save our children from those who very jobs is to do so. Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child Protection Services? GONE, new director assigned., we went to court, the social worker was swore in under oath and lied right there on the spot, and when I said something about it; I was told that if I didnt shut my mouth I would go to jail. Home School Legal Defense Association In 2007 News32 aired shocking reports exposing alleged corruption within DCBS following a 3-year long investigation. The Charlotte child custody attorneys at Epperson Law Group, PLLC know that the longer your child is in the foster care system, the tougher it becomes to get him or her back. She was gone. 2 min read. He was found NOT GUILTY and still took our kids and destroyed our family. Was Medical Kidnap in Washington State a Cover-up for Medical Malpractice? You all are the reason I keep living, breathing, and fighting in hopes that one day youll listen, youll really listen to me and hear what I have to say. Medical Kidnapping is Real. Even though the ASFA says that before states can receive theses adoption funds, reasonable efforts should be made to prevent a childs removal from their home, many argue that child protective services and family courts routinely remove children while disregarding the reasonable efforts clause in order to guarantee a steady commodity of children who would bring in a steady revenue of Title IV funds to the state. I had no problem with letting her come by because my home was nice and clean like always. I dont know whether to break down and cry and praise the Lord or to just scream in pure agony as I am reading an article about a pediatrician in Louisville Kentucky named Dr. Stephanie Russell who allegedly hired an FBI agent to take her husband out! Jessica says. Here are some of the previous many stories we have covered documenting this horrific corruption in Kentucky: One of the stories we covered from Kentucky was the story of Amanda Orsetti Downs back in 2016. Stephanie graduated UofK in 2020 and Susan is doing very well. Tell Congress to End Federal Funding for Child Welfare Let Local Communities Take Over, Baltimore Child Welfare Director: Foster Care is a Bad Idea Kids Belong in Families, The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, The Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice (FCRPP) 2011, Etown couple shaken by false child-abuse calls, Ex-social worker faces more criminal charges, Kentucky youth pastor accused of sexually abusing child, Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes The Child Trafficking Business. Are you already a subscriber? For an overview of the problem of legal medical kidnapping, showing that this is a very real problem, please see: Editor Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News. QUIT or FIRED. I have fought to keep up with their lives as much as possible without making contact till they are all of age. I also gave them an option before all of this happened to send Demiyah to her grandmother that lived in Illinois they agreed that they were going to fly her out. What I am is saying is that the KY Courts cannot meet its budget for salaries for juvenile services unless there is a quote of children in foster care receiving Title IVE funds. Its also kind of crazy to keep a Beshear appointee around in a sensitive position so when a bunch more kids die under the Cabinets care the daggers can be thrown directly in the Governors back. Welcome to kynect benefits, the Commonwealth of Kentucky's space for you to connect with Kentucky state benefits, assistance programs and more. She illegally was taken away from me. CPS Defies Doctors and Police to Take Young Children Away from Mother, Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son, Destroying Families in Kentucky via State-sponsored Child Trafficking: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. I love you all and Im going to fight with everything in me to have you all back in my life again. 2Books Likewise, the statutes broad terms create the opportunity for findings of neglect, abuse, and dependency to be inappropriately applied. In oncology, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is considered one of the great success stories, said Dr. Bijal D. Shah, head of the Moffitt Cancer Center's acute lymphoblastic leukemia program. She told me she felt like Demiyah was being neglected. Ive been So Depressed and Down that I dont want to go to my Dr. appointments, the grocery when I do its 3:00-4: 00a.m because little ones arent there. Winchester man charged with kidnapping. . : [53] Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky: [54] Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula: [55] Kentucky Parents Found Not Guilty of Charges in Criminal Court but Family Court Refuses to Return Children:,,, : [49] CPS Defies Doctors and Police to Take Young Children Away from Mother: [50] Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son: [51] Destroying Families in Kentucky via State-sponsored Child Trafficking: United We Stand, Divided We Fall: [52] Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child Protection Services? FREE Shipping Available! Its kind of crazy to expect Commissioner Johnson to clean up child protective services when she didnt do so as deputy commissioner. According to an, Johnson will take over a problem-riddenagencythat overseeschildabuse and neglect investigations, adoptions and foster care The agencyhas been plaguedin recent months withhigh turnover of social workers, statewide staff shortages,allegations of mishandledfoster care and child abusecases,and a record number of children in the state foster care system., As the new commissioner of the DCBS, will Johnson protect KY families from DCBS abuse and corruption, and prioritize reunification not adoption as the, Of particular concern to some KY families was Glenna Bevins comment that one of her top priorities is improving conditions for foster care and makingit. Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son Louisiana EXCLUSIVE: State Corruption Exposed in Louisiana High Profile Medical Kidnap Case Maine Charity Lewis with Daughter Demiyah (now dead). They are trying to hide what they have done to my baby. They claim they didnt know where Demiyah was placed. "When it comes to medical decision-making, it's much more tricky because parents may have the same information but are making different value judgements," said Katherine Drabiak, an assistant professor at the University of South Florida who specializes in health law and medical ethics. Although DCBS is mandated to help dependent, neglected & abused children, Because DCBS works 2 case plans simultaneously (reunification and adoption), children may be steered toward adoption instead of reunifying the child with his family because services are not delivered to the families and the goals set for the families may be unrealistic.. Where the court specifically finds that such alternatives are adequate to reasonably protect the child against the alleged dependency, neglect or abuse, the court shall not order the removal or continued removal of the child. Afterall, it is their money. September 18, 2021 at 2:27 pm . These people sold my baby! The pediatrician examined Demiyah and said she was ok but I know my child I knew she wasnt ok. On September 22, 2018 I personally rushed Demiyah to the E.R. Done yet? Are you already a subscriber? In all, there were at least 36 homicides in Kern County for the first four months of 2023. Less than a week later, child protective investigators were searching for the family. Attorney do NOT keep their clients informed during the process. Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes The Child Trafficking Business, Study: Children from Poor Parents, Even if they have a Drug Problem, do Worse if Put into Foster Care, World Renowned Medical Anthropologist Compares Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labeling to Witch Hunts. That study will. Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. - Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did we Get Here? Kentucky is Being Investigated for Corruption: Will the States Sordid History of Legal Kidnapping Finally be Punished? The medical records have been altered 3 different times, luckily I have all 3 different sets, but our lawyers will not bring it up in court. "We will continue to use these remedies for maintenance for the next ten years!". Order here! Psychologist, two, one for me and one for daughter. Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking away children from their parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. Now: $19.99 (for 2 books) To convince a judge that a child is victim of medical neglect, child protective officials must show that a medical treatment or procedure has a high probability of curing or at least seriously mitigating a disease or condition that is potentially fatal or disabling, said Bill Allen, an associate professor of bioethics, law and medical professionalism at the University of Florida. In another post early Wednesday, Bland-Ball wrote that Noah was being taken to All Children's and that she and McAdams were due in court in Hillsborough. Does the State Ever Have a Right to Remove Children from a Home? With my own two kids. : [48] KY Blugrass Families United Against DCBS Corruption. Citizens Demanding Justice from CPS, Social Services, Courts, Elected Officials and Governmental Agencies Judges, and attorneys that are corrupt and failing to protect us. Premium Assistance. They seen my baby as a check!! I was suppose to visit with her every two weeks. Contents [ Hide] Medical kidnapping has become a growing phenomenon over the past decade or so. At the entrance to the. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an . 21% increase in children placed in more expensive out-of-home care (OOHC), like foster care, psychiatric facilities, and private residential facilities, instead of utilizing Family Preservations Programs and Kinship Care programs. And dcbs refused to let any family take our kids in. Now: $19.99 (for 2 books) Over the years, I helped raise my stepdaughters. Demiyah never had a coat on in the winter and her clothes were never up to part. "I'd be hard-pressed to think of any clear constitutional grounds for parents to simply substitute their alternative treatments for effective, evidence-based and medically-recognized methods that could save the child's life.". GONE. According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Mathew James, 54, of East Northport, operated a medical billing company that billed for procedures that were either more serious or entirely different than those James' doctor-clients performed. There was no evidence and I was told because of that they were able to just do a family interview and that was enough to charge me with dependency, abuse, and neglect., my day in court, two years later, I was beaten down (even by my own pro-bono attorney), exhausted, I was an emotional and mental wreck. "They were trying to meet them in the middle," Olszewski said. She shared: Around June 25th, 2022, I wake up and eat my breakfast and go about my day like its any other day and I open the news and wow I am in total shock! Backed with solid references and real life examples, they will not be able to deny the plain evidence before them, and will become better educated on this topic that is destroying the American family. After these reports came out, a Grand jury in Hardin County, Kentucky released a criticizing 6-page report, but failed to indict anyone. Retail: $49.98 (for 2 books) Damiyahs lips were very chapped and blistered, her cheeks were extremely red due to dehydration, her hair was matted to her head, her eyes were runny and full of crust, she also had strep throat I smelled it on her breathe. Photo provided by family. Mathews was arrested on two counts of rape and single counts of kidnapping and felonious assault. There was never an explanation, there was never any trying of unification, or anything. Or better yet the new workers we got every two weeks. News Kentucky Human trafficking Victims Rescue. In a Facebook post Tuesday night, Bland-Ball said child protective officials were taking Noah and the parents were returning to Florida that night. But they still made me sign the paper. Email Hotline. Read Amandas heartbreaking story from 2016 here: Could it be that God has answered Amandas prayers here in 2022? The Cheshire County Courthouse in Keene. Transmission of information from this site is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Charity Lewis took to social media earlier this month (July, 2019) to tell her story about how Kentucky CPS medically kidnapped her special needs daughter because they did not think she was capable enough to take care of her, and now she is dead. To advocates like Olszewski, taking a child into custody like this amounts to "medical kidnapping" and a gross violation of parents' constitutional rights. Kentucky is Being Investigated for Corruption: Will the States Sordid History of Legal Kidnapping Finally be Punished? My daughters birthday is July 30 th she was suppose to be turning 7 years old. Its important that families are treated as valued customers which they are not. Is Foster Care In the Best Interest of the Child? The new year began with a killing on Jan. 1 and with less than a half hour left of the period, deputies got a call about a quadruple homicide on April 30. pray for the fbi during this investigation that God will reveal all and give them the favor that they need to stop the maddness!!!!. These social workers use their powers to play God by either making them out to be inferior to them or by falsely befriending them to gain trust and then steal these children.. "There's plenty of legal precedent, going back decades, where courts have found that the state has a right to intervene in those cases," Allen said. Now: $14.99 Table 11 Kentucky Adoptions Finalized & Federal Bonuses Received. The judge turned to my parents who were in court with me and asked if they said these things and they said no they did not. Custody and kidnapping are complicated and it is important to try to find an experienced lawyer to help you with your case. The caseworker walked through my home and seen nothing wrong. With every story we print, Kentucky parents today continue to share their stories with us via emails and comments, which echo complaints of those past investigations. Adult Medical Kidnapping in New York: 1950s Air Force Veteran Held Hostage in Hospital. Please check your email inbox or spam folder for our confirmation email. Even though I did everything they asked. A grandmother who was denied kinship care of her grandchildren after being told she would get them, related her heartache to us: Dcbs came in my house and kidnapped my grandbabies while telling me its nothing youve done, were not taking them from you. Family court judges, and several others plus DCBS pushed for these people to adopt because they got attached to the babies. Well, dont they think the familys attached? document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Minardi Law. Then the foster parents were constantly talking about how they wanted to adopt to little girls just like ours and how in 7 months they might.. My husband and i fought from day 1 to get our kids back. They destroyed records. When a caseworker arrived I was told they were called because they feel Like I was neglecting Demiyah. My baby was being neglected by her Foster mom. The Corrupt Foster Care and Adoption System: Why Arent More Foster and Adoptive Parents Speaking Out? Done in the name of 'the best interest of the child', states and hospitals are taking children away from their parents in order to force treatments, vaccines, or tests on children. Its got to be challenged by an out of state attorney in Federal Court., According to the 6th Amendment of the Constitution, criminal defendants have the right to confront the witnesses against them, and yet families report how they and their children are torn apart and traumatized based on. Spent 16 years in foster care cause they convinced my grandparents they couldnt take care of me. This broke my heart completely. I complained about my daughters condition and it was documented I have all the documents for every visit I had with Demiyah. WINCHESTER A grand jury indicted a town resident on one felony kidnapping charge last week, according to . #JusticeforDemiyah I am trying to raise funds for funeral expenses and legal expenses for an attorney. The last time I went a little one yelled Nanna and I had to get up and go to the restroom. She tried everything to take my kids away from me, from accusing me of smoking around my children when I wasnt, to not letting me switch doctors when I had moved to a different county, to accusing me of not making doctor appointments, all the way to saying that my two (oldest) daughters were being sexual molested by my now ex-husband. Mother told she had to choose her son and give up her daughter, or lose both. The cases often are more complicated than those involving other types of abuse or neglect. Reply. Contact your local sheriff and urge them to protect Constitutional Rights in your community. Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Suppor, Bret Bohn from Alaska was medically kidnapped for 8 months, ndiana Parents Trip to E.R. Results in Children Kidnapped Names Slandered in Local Media Lives Ruined, Special Needs Sisters Kidnapped From Homeschooling Christian Family, Kentucky Parents Found Not Guilty of Charges in Criminal Court but Family Court Refuses to Return Children, Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky, Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula, Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son, EXCLUSIVE: State Corruption Exposed in Louisiana High Profile Medical Kidnap Case, Medical Kidnapping in Maine: Child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome & Sister Seized Grandfather Commits Suicide, Maryland Father Accused of Abuse over Broken Bones Both Children Removed from Home of Loving Parents. Test were done on Demiyah and the results came back showing Demiyah was having heart failure. Social Workers involve in our case? I'm not going to bother to tell my story it just going to get lost with everyone else who has been done wrong by cps. Her older child was in the hospital for a month due to malnutrition. If you use the TOR Onion browser, here are the links and corresponding URLs to use in the TOR browser to find us on the Dark Web: Health Impact News, Vaccine Impact, Medical Kidnap, Created4Health, [7] Bevin names new Ky. social service commissioner: [11] Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business: [14] the other Kentucky lottery: Child Protection & Permanency for Abused & Neglected Children in Kentucky in 2005: [24] Does the State Ever Have a Right to Remove Children from a Home? Bret Bohn from Alaska was medically kidnapped for 8 months. The Jefferson County Social Worker wouldnt call Seven Counties to set up the appointment. Then we get them back and the foster parents just show up at our house no call nothing. The Foster mother kept pushing the days back and I kept asking why is she doing this I called Child Protective Services for help they wouldnt help me. Portion of the 2014 Court Audit showing some of the Federal Award Monies. July 8, 2021, 9:22 PM PDT By Phil Helsel Police in Louisville, Kentucky, last week rescued a 6-year-old girl who had been grabbed from her bike and put in a vehicle in a kidnapping minutes. . I only seen Demiyah 7 times. The courts budget are all behind a veil of secrecy but I discovered through the annual auditors report that the KY courts receive a yearly substantial amount that covers the budgets of the juvenile branches of AOC [name of KY Courts]. But perhaps the most important lesson this event teaches us, is the fact that when a community decides to act together to oppose the medical tyrants, those tyrants fear them, and their medical tyranny can . In most cases Health Impact News is the first one to report on these stories. She was whispering I found that very suspicious. (October 17, 2005 Kentucky Cabinet for Health & Family Services, Department for Community-Based Services response to NICYF Open Records Request of September 12, 2005.) Noah, 3, has acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This has really messed with my emotions knowing she destroyed my family and possibly other families out there, including her own family. BTW, the 2 doctors who called CPS? The state of Kentucky stole my baby from me. This site is not intended to be advertising or a solicitation of legal services. Medical kidnapping or saving? They lied!! New studies will be launched over the next several months with a focus on issues where Kentucky rates high: obesity, opioid withdrawal, and the largest study coming on cancer. Shah said there is no evidence that natural remedies are an effective alternative. What this doctor put me through and losing my own children based on lies, I would never wish this kind of pain on anyone or so I thoughtin a way I feel like this was an act of God to take her family away after all the pain and suffering she has caused to my family and possibly other families out there. My attorney couldnt even help me because of how vindictive they really are. has been reporting alleged corruption within Kentuckys Cabinet Department of Community Based Services (DCBS) for over a year, but the history of alleged corruption goes back much further. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said the parents "refused to follow up with the life saving medical care the child needs" and that they're investigating them for child neglect. Its US against THEM. Order here! How do I go about reporting this? Are you already a subscriber? 36Pab KNOX COUNTY, Ky. (WTVQ)- State police in Knox County accuse a man of kidnapping an 11-year-old girl. Dr. Stephanie Russell is in jail today, having been indicted by a Grand Jury for hiring a hitman to murder her ex-husband, after losing custody of her own children to her ex-husband. FIRST when i was a child. Done! Christian Churches Redefine the Meaning of Orphan to Justify Participating in Child Trafficking. Some of the most horrendous stories of medical kidnapping and child trafficking we have covered over the years have come out of Kentucky, where whistleblower social workers have come forward to report how rich people drive through poor neighborhoods picking out which children they want the state to kidnap for themselves to adopt. (2) If the court orders the removal or continues the removal of the child, services provided to the parent and the child shall be designed to promote the protection of the child and the return of the child safely to the childs home as soon as possible. I want help and I also want to help. Demiyah was born with cleft lip and pallet, growth deficiency, coloboma in both eyes, hypopituitarism she also had an heart murmur and was on multiple medications she had to take for the rest of her life to help keep her alive. Unfortunately, at times, it seems like he never existed, thanks to the power of blocking unpleasant memories from the brain. A 6-year-old girl who . Every time I seen Demiyah she was looking worse than before her breathing was also heavy and she was always limped. But in the harshly worded report, grand jurors called for more outside oversight of the states child-welfare system and tougher laws to deal with errant workers, noting they have potentially devastating power over children and parents.. Olszewski said the family isnt ready to speak to reporters. McAdams and Bland-Ball eventually agreed, said Erin Olszewski, president and co-founder of the Florida Freedom Alliance, a nonprofit group that advocates for rights of parents to decide medical treatment for children. Even though the corruption was investigated and exposed, it appears today in 2016 that Kentucky DCBS and Family Courts still conduct "Business as Usual," sanctioning adoption over . Sad day for Kentucky parental and grandparent liberty interests. Amy Mischler. Charity has put up a GoFundMe Page where she has also told her story: This is my story my 6yr old special needs daughter Demiyah was taken to the pediatrician September 21, 2018 because she wasnt looking too well. UPDATED: Jun 29, 2022 Fact Checked Get Legal Help Today These are actual reports of medical kidnappings reported to Health Impact News/ from the families and individuals involved. {"timed-popup-delay":5,"cookie-duration":-1,"popup-selector":"#popup-box-sxzw-1","popup-class":"popupally-opened-sxzw-1","cookie-name":"popupally-cookie-1","close-trigger":".popup-click-close-trigger-1"}. In a series of public Facebook posts in recent weeks, Bland-Ball provided updates on her son's treatment at All Children's. Wayne Burgess was convicted of murder his girlfriend's 1-year-old daughter, Nakeavia Rivers, in August 1997. Authorities eventually found the family in Kentucky and took the child for medical treatment. State police say. Having problems receiving our emails? But some how come every court date dcbs accidently forgot some paper work or forgot to call on a witness. Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder? Always got changed right before our next court date. Knowing what she did to my own family, I wonder how many more families she has destroyed?. She died while in the custody of the State of Kentucky and her foster home.

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