Dolphins are playful and social by nature, making them one of the most adored animals. You have poise, but are extremely powerful and probably have a secret skill that everyone is unaware of. Fearless yet easygoing, they seem to always know when their humans need them for support or comfort. These dogs are friendly and docile, and any those with this patronus are brave and like to please others. Field mice are very resourceful and have amazing traits to help them evade predators. The reality is that these intriguing creatures, which are only visible to people who have witnessed death and accepted its significance, are gentle and kind. In the book series, some pretty cool ones are revealed. With feathers that make up over 60% of their total length, it gets the job done. Great grey owls are skilled mimics and are known for their skills to adapt easily. A mother tiger with cubs is one of the most patient, protective, self-sacrificing animals that there ever was. A wizarding myth says that Bloodhound Patronuses have alerted their witch or wizard to the impending arrival of the Dementors, making this a one-of-a-kind Patronus to produce. Despite your fierceness when challenged, you have a soft spot for those weaker than yourself for whom you are willing to make sacrifices. Want more posts like this one? When hungry, a real polar bear can be unpredictable and vicious. If you represent the fire-dwelling salamander, you embody the ability to rise from any challenge or hardship. Grass snakes are common, harmless snakes that live in the backyards of most common households. Think Lovely Thoughts: The Patronus Charm - Hogwarts is Here The falcon also represents breaking free from slavery. As to Disney artwork, logos and properties: Copyright Disney. White Mare - White horses, be it mares or stallions, have come to represent warriors on the side of good in folklore and literature. Note that this is indeed Show more . The mink is a very unusual patronus in that a number of personality types can conjure it. If you have a West Highland Terrier patronus, or a Westie, you probably have a very strong, but kind personality. Ever since Harry and his friends learned to protect themselves from Dementors with these adorable, yet powerful charms, all Potterheads needed to know which was theirs. Those with a rat patronus are very insightful and wonderful problem solvers and make wonderful role models. This can make them seem cold to others, and they can be blunt in their ways of communication . Albatross - There's no way a Dementor will mess with you if your Patronus is an albatross. Their senses are sharp so as to easily detect their predators, which are abundant. Otters are driven by curiosity, but also relationships, as otters are known to be very attached to others in their social groups. Harry Potter Patronus List and Personality Meanings: What Does Yours You are more known for your ability to be dangerous, but have an incredibly lovable interior. Nothing will hold a husky back from feeling wild and free. Stag - The stag is a symbol of strength. Grass Snake - Misunderstood and often just looking to get on with its day, the common grass snake alludes to the idea that we are often judged by our outward appearances when in fact, we may bear little other similarities with those we are mistaken for. It is a rare corporeal form of the Patronus. As a magical creature, the Abraxan winged horse knows what it wants and is selective about what they allow into their life. In fact, chances are you got an annoying and unsatisfying patronus that will now haunt your memories for the rest of time. Pottermore. An erumpent is a special magical creature that has the power and features of a rhinoceros and a horn that can pierce through metal. Any witch or wizard with the chestnut mare or stallion patronus is energetic and headstrong. They are very curious creatures and will often fly off with something that they find interesting (any relation to the Niffler?). Now that we know what your patronus charm is, we can figure out what does your patronus mean. Sparrow- The sparrow may be small, but its an incredibly powerful Patronus. A little owl would devise an effective plan to keep themselves and any witch or wizard safe from a Dementor. Wild Boar - Skittish and aggressive when approached by strangers, these creatures arent so much mad as they are wanting others to be respectful of their personal space and peace. Basset Hounds have a sense of humor and a playful demeanor. A basset hound patronus is perfect for those who want a loyal companion who will go all the way to keep them safe. Complete Guide to What Your Patronus Means About You - Theme Park Today The strength of this Patronus rests in the sense of belonging and is therefore more powerful when used in defense of loved ones than in personal defense. If this is your Patronus, it will protect you and your loved ones by encircling you and not letting the Dementors near you. These good-natured steeds each have a unique coat - no two patterns will ever be the same. A snowy owl is a rather rare patronus and only given to those who are close enough in personality it wield it. Blackbirds are extremely intelligent and are known to be deep thinkers, yet allusive and mysterious. King Cobra - The king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake, capable of swallowing prey larger than its own head. Your nature pulls you to the dark, but youve chosen to live for the light - kind of like Severus Snape! Russian Blue Cat - The Russian Blue is known as a royal cat. I got this. Nothing can hold you back. If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which protect a witch or wizard from the soul-sucking dementors. Adder - The common European adder or common European viper is a venomous snake that can be found throughout Europe. Bloodhounds are precise and known for their amazing ability to use their noses to solve crime. These animals are born from the fire and thrive on chaos and challenges. Patronus - Mink. Also like the crow, they have a bad reputation, but in fact, the magpie is seriously misunderstood. While they are hunting, they move quickly and confidently through the trees in pursuit of prey! Fiercely protective, she still embodies all the traits of the male leopard. They may seem like quiet, kind animals, but they are easily agitated, especially if they are pushed too far or if someone threatens their herd. This specific color could also refer to instinctual urges of your mind for the unknown and mysterious. If you are drawn to the leopardess patronus, you may be known to be protective of others and can lash out if feel threatened. You and your sparrow patronus are ambitious, which makes you the perfect pair to fight off Dementors, because youre often underestimated. Newfoundlands are just as sweet as they are huge and cuddly, but are extremely useful and tactical swimmers. Weasels seem like a cute little rodent youd want to keep as a pet, but they are quite mischievous little things. This makes the Thestral an intimidating and powerful Patronus. A swift patronus means that you are a very efficient person, that can always complete their tasks quickly and with ease. They are very resilient animals and able to survive in very unlikely places, being very adaptive. Those with the polecat patronus are playful or humorous in nature. If the herd that lives in the Forbidden Forest is any indication, Thestrals can be extremely loyal to their human friends and will fiercely attack their enemies. You have no problem with communication, which your friends and family love about you, which makes you very valuable. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress. Keen-eyed with sharp senses, this snake rarely bites humans but can be highly aggressive if provoked. Field Mouse - Generally small in size, field mice have to rely on their speed and wits to survive. The stoat patronus pairs well with someone who is lighthearted, and tend to make others laugh with harmless tricks and their wits. Those with a rattlesnake patronus hold firm boundaries and are known for giving only one second chance. Most of us didn't get a stag like Harry, an otter like Hermione, or a Phoenix like Dumbledore. These horses are known for their strength and agility. Updated December 30, 2022. Mink - Minks are very territorial animals. Red Squirrel - As an endangered species, the red squirrel is rare to find outside of protected wildlife reserves. With the fierce, calculated protection of an orca on your side, you can rest assured that the Dementors will be no match for you. Unlike peacocks, they make no show of their feathers but hold themselves to a high standard of etiquette in all situations. People who conjure the polecat are also opinionated, whether these opinions are expressed or not . If you are drawn to the gray squirrel patronus, you love to plan ahead and be in charge of big decision making. Usually, people who produce this Patronus are confident in their capabilities and hold pride in their actions and beliefs. They are also very smart and have been observed using tools to achieve their means. How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love My Patronus Rattlesnake - Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes. Buzzard - The term buzzard refers to many species of birds of prey but is often used to refer to those that feed on carrion. Mongrel Dog - Just like a wizard doesnt have to be a pure-blood to be great, a dog doesnt have to a purebred to be your best friend. Although bats are commonly associated with fear, they actually represent rebirth. Bat - "Luck," "happiness," and "transformation" are words that are commonly associated with this animal. Tracey/UkrzaliznytsiaFella #NAFO on Twitter: "Ukrainian Defenders They are known to escape many different situations and use their intelligence to gain what they want. Youre wise and helpful, and tend to try and keep balance with all of your friends and relationships. Those with a buffalo patronus can be intimidating when their loved ones are threatened, but also most comfortable around family. Regal in form and frame, they love attention and actively seek it out. Dun Mare- Dun mares are known for their unique coloring. The wood mouse is a creature of intelligence, and one that you might underestimate, but will prove more than useful. They are the natural mapmakers of the animal kingdom, using twigs and leaves at key points to help them find their way around. If you have the shark patronus, you most likely feel the same way, as you are intense and authoritative, but are longing for others to understand where you come from. Mountain Hare - Though small, a mountain hare is far from useless. So after you figure out your Harry Potter patronus, make sure to find yours on this list and see if you agree with our analysis! Swallow- The swallow is associated with love, happiness, protection, and curiously enough, with summer. Shark - They are the most feared fish in the ocean and have diversified into over 500 species (two of which can also survive and be found in rivers). The dapple gray is a breed of horse that is graceful and full of light and positive energy. The rhinoceros is an incredibly strong mammal known for its size, power and threatening horn that sits right on the top of its head. Ragdoll cat. The ocicat patronus type are usually the person who energetically approach all situations and are looking for the next task to check off the list. One flap of its 11 ft wingspan is enough to beat even the most determined Dementor flying toward you! Its no wonder that a group of weasels is often called a boogle or a confusion. A weasel is a strong Patronus because it easily outwits any predator that threatens it. Those with a pine marten patronus are driven and are motivated to have great accomplishments in their life. Those with a polar bear as their patronus are very adaptable individuals, but stubborn. Phoenix - The only known possessor of this Patronus is Albus Dumbledore. These birds have been known to be unnerving with their interesting call and the goatsucking mythology that comes with them. Typically docile, these animals are friendly until provoked but can do some serious damage to enemies. Those with the polecat patronus are often in search of answers and love to learn about the world and whats around them. Bats are sensitive animals, that have extreme precision and intuition that is often misunderstood by others. Those with a dragon for a Patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge! Although they were bred for hunting, Deerhounds are gentle dogs with a very friendly nature. The Best Disney World Roller Coasters 2023, If you dont have an account youll have to make one. If you paired with a rabbit patronus, you are most likely a peaceful person, who is kind but also not afraid to protect yourself. Stoats attack by thrusting forward while giving a sharp shriek. No one can tame you or claim you in any way. The capuchin monkey patronus will be able to adapt quickly is problems arise and not hesitate to protect itself and others. The sparrowhawk is a small bird of prey with striking coloring and being a major predator of smaller, woodland birds. Flexibility here could easily come in any form, not just in body but also in mind, heart, and soul. If you have a wild cat patronus, you might be cautious and observant before tackling any new situation. So its in your best interest not to get on the bad side of one. Although the pine marten is small, about the size of a house cat, it is in the same family as the badger and wolverine, so fighting comes naturally. Packs are extremely loyal and social animals that use their skills to be top predators. Thus, they should be treated with caution. All Harry Potter fans at one point has wondered the question, what is my patronus? and what does your patronus mean? Shrews are one of the most ferocious tiny predators on Earth and are often under-appreciated for how diverse they are. At the same time, many admire and adore you for your strength, wisdom, and above all, your immense power to love even your enemies. Related post: Does Wizarding World of Harry Potter Cost Extra at Universal Orlando. If youre wondering, how common is my patronus?, dont fret. White horses are also rare, making this a near one-of-a-kind Patronus for a truly special witch or wizard. The patronus charm is a concentration of the happiest moments of your life, forming literal protective magic into a spell from powered from those memories. Badger - The recognizable mascot of Hufflepuff House, badgers represent determination. So, keep being true to yourself and others and youll make it to the top of the mountain and accomplish anything. The stags antlers can grow back once they fall off. Polecats find a certain comfort in safe environments and find that around their groups of friends or family. With a Rottweiler Patronus, you will always be protected from Dementors. Rats are friendly creatures and typically enjoy being around their loved ones. The King Cobra has to be provoked to release deadly force, but would be wonderful partners to ward off any dark enemies. A black stallion or mare has a powerful spirit with a lot of enthusiastic energy. Despite their power, they are calm and sensible animals. The lion is the perfect symbol for Gryffindor Hogwarts house due to their bravery and nobility. That comes at no extra cost to you, and all Park Prodigy tickets and packages guarantee youll save money vs booking direct. Rhinos are mighty herbivores that are typically mild and non-aggressive animals unless threatened or in danger, then it will charge. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Abraxan Winged Horse - A breed of winged horse, gigantic in size and extremely powerful. The oryx is a gregarious animal that thrives in herds of 50-200 individuals. They will follow you around the house, playing gently with your shoestrings, charming everyone with their gentle and sweet personalities.

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how rare is a polecat patronus