Memoirs of a Recovering Fundamentalist. Because of their reality TV show, the Duggars and their particular brand of Christianity made its way into the homes of Americans, both fans and critics alike. Later, when it was known that Josh Duggar had an affair, he spent time in a nonprofessional rehab center called Reformers Unanimous. Shortly thereafter, my dad decided to leave college and answer the call of God, to become a minister, so he packed us up and we traipsed halfway across the country to bible college. They then enforce the teachings of submission to women. ", singing, writing, computer geekery, cooking, science experiments, foreign languages, videoing jazz singers, RELIGIOUS TRAUMA RECOVERY RETREAT Cape Cod, June 8-11, 2023. Jim Bob Duggar formerly served in the Arkansas House of Representatives and announced recently that he is running for Arkansas State Senate in the 7th District. I am so glad for you, Earthmama! Having my daughter is ultimately what started me down the path to deconverting. The hypocrisy astounded me and made me question everyday just how much this life was doing anyone any good if they were worse then the non Christians. I know of a couple of websites that may be helpful for people (esp. There was no TV crew to see my tears, my pleas for help, to document my 12-year-old self shaking in a courtroom as I helped put one of my abusers behind bars. As a victim of the Independent Baptist Church I fully related. It makes no sense now. Listen to the testimony of a person who. . They practice the biblical teachings of separation as taught in Ephesians 5:11, which states, "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." The co-founder, Paul Kingsbury, recently was forced to leave his position at North Love Baptist Church in Rockford, Ill., for his role in helping a sex offender avoid prosecution by supporting him overseas as a missionary. 127 because it struck me now - though it didn't when I was a Christian - that the psalm talks about children from the point of view of what power or prestige they confer on the parent. As a former member and follower of the independent fundamental Baptist movement, I and other survivors have jokingly (and not so jokingly) referred to the CLA as the IFB mob due to their history of defending abusers and coming to the aid of abusive churches under criminal investigation. The suffering of so many little girls is hidden in the independent fundamental Baptist movement. It's like a vestigial organ that refuses to go obsolete. I appreciated reading your extimony - though didn't appreciate the ostracism and neglect you experienced. It certainly made sense 3,000+ years ago. You can't control them any more than they can control you. I saw the paddle, Skwarczynski said. Its hard to find the time to sit and type a huge intro when you have a very busy toddler needing your attention. Your story is very well written and I found it moving. In an interview with City Pulse, he alleged that he was sexually abused by a woman at his IFB church in Ann Arbor beginning when he was a 17-year-old member of the congregation. I thought I was dying, Heiler said, noting that she was also never taught about the male reproductive system. Especially about. The school was run by Lester Roloff, an independent fundamental Baptist preacher who broke from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1954 and founded a series of reform facilities, known as Roloff Homes, for what he called, "parent-hating, Satan-worshiping, dope-taking immoral boys and girls," according to a 2000 investigative report in Texas I was raised in an independent fundamental Baptist household. Lydia Joy Laundervilleis a freelance writer in Ivor, Va., who covers an array of topics, including health and lifestyle, with a special focus on religious abuse and trauma recovery. Women who are mothers have authority as it relates to the children, but they must submit to their husbands. Homes and schools such as those run by Grace Baptist were designed to reform rebellious children and develop them into better Christians, Heiler said. Non christians committed suicide because they were joyless, had depression because they were selfish, and drank too much to ward off the feeling that they were missing God in their lives. From the time I was young, I remember we always had to wear skirts, keep our hair long (well the girls at least), were constantly reminded to dress and act modestly so we didnt tempt men into sin, and were taught to keep silent in the church. Cookie Notice I could never under any circumstances I can conceive cut off contact with my child. When the child didnt stop, Pearl directed him to pull over and get a switch from a tree. If you have conservative homeschooling friends who talk about Michelle doing the same, then youve probably heard of the fundamentalist curriculum the Duggars used called Advance Training Institute. He told her, As long as you are under your dads roof, you must submit to his authority and God will protect you from anything bad happening, Woodbury recalled. }else{ Former IFB church . if( width > 480 ){ No Longer Quivering is a support community that includes both atheists and xians. They dont do dancing. I had no joy, no life, was miserable and depressed. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from Even after lifting the ban, the university still required parental permission for interracial relationships. CBS News. I do not miss them nor do I feel sorry for them. Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB) is a loosely-affiliated, cultish denomination of Christian fundamentalists. First of all, I admire your courage in speaking out. Its a theological landscape that leaves the vulnerable children, women and LGBTQ folks at the mercy of a strict Old Testament theology that is backed with commands to still their rebellious souls, even if it requires a paddling that leaves bruises or welts on their behinds. Marlene Winell, Ph.D., psychologist and author, has been working in religious recovery for over 25 years. That should make me an independent fundamental Baptist, but it doesn't. Unfortunately, the. '':''); As a survivor of this movement, I never was surprised that Josh got away with his crimes for so long, that hell never face legal consequences for sexually molesting children. My family still doesnt really talk to me. It was stifling to say the least. It didnt work. Some of these factors include that once Josh told his parents about sexually abusing his sisters and another victim, Jim Bob and Michelle went to seek the counsel of their church leaders, but only after this occurred three times. Pearl responded: Its supposed to. Pearl also said the physically abusive training for kids should begin as early as 9 months. Former independent fundamental baptist church members what was the craziest thing you heard was a sin did you do it before and after. It was all addressed in a way to somehow place her at the center and the cause, Emily said in a phone interview. You were born depraved, so it goes, but Thank God you have churchmen there to help you with the cure: the Bible, p, Bill, I wrote them a letter in November telling them in no uncertain terms would I let them run my life anymore and I was done being scared of what they thought or would do. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. The Official Independent Baptist Rulebook The IFB River Called Denial The Legacy of Jack Hyles From Evangelicalism to Atheism Series Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. Lee Chatfield, in a 2014 interview with the Petoskey News-Review, defended the practice. A 2017 study from the University of Michigan which had included more than 8,300 people of all ages determined that being spanked was linked to adulthood mental health issues. (n.d.). After all, bare skin on a woman at IFB churches is seen as an impure temptation for its men. If such physical relationships were discovered as was the case with Chatfield and her husband, Aaron marriage in the church is required in order to satisfy Gods commandments. }else{ There is a strong emphasis that a man could do no wrong.. In all the churches referenced in this report, women are prohibited from wearing pants. The New IFB is an attempt to revive the former glory and orthodoxy of the Independent Fundamental Baptists, a movement that arose in the mid-20 th century in reaction to fears that mainstream. Bill Gothard cleared of criminal activity but chastised for lack of discretion after sexual harassment claims. Barely Anyone Reads the Bible in Germany. Its hard to find the time to sit and type a huge intro when you have a very busy toddler needing your attention. This continued for miles. Welcome to Ex-C, we are so glad you're here. During his religious studies at the Baptist College of Ministry in Wisconsin, he took a parenting class where he was taught to use a long glue stick, he explained. Skwarczynski, the podcaster, said he remembers the paddling instrument well. } So despite feeling like *I* was probably not a Christian by that definition, I struggled to follow the prescribed plan and get joy. So Why Are Luther Bibles Selling So Well? On the bright side, he has given me my daughter who is my life and joy and I wouldnt trade her for anything in this world. When the toddler started acting up again, Pearl directed the father to repeat the action. My parents like to brag that their kids were in church from the time of conception and still are today! Retrieved December 10, 2021, from They then sent Josh to a faith training center located in Little Rock, Ark., that belonged to an independent fundamental Baptist organization called the Institute in Basic Life Principles created by Bill Gothard. At Saturdays (April 29) , Wednesday, April 26 And what made it worse was the people in the church, the supposed Christians, were horrible mean petty people who made my life a living hell every day. Lol). Lol This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments . If you dont really fit in, youll be kind of kicked outside; or, even, people have left the church and the school because they just didnt agree with their rules and guidelines.. United States District Court Northern District of Illinois (n.d.). The 30 . And catholics, well, we were all going to hell anyhow. That means you must be, willing and able to accept the consequences of your informing them that, while you love them and always. You deserve to be free from all that unnecessary mental baggage. } Woodbury, the teenage abuse victim, said that the use of an implement was designed to separate the hand from the act and leave it only to be seen for a loving embrace. 0:36. Dating in an IFB church is not like it is in the secular world. He is pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Churchin Tempe, Arizona. I was b, "Original sin" is a clever way of getting you hooked for life on church mind control. My point, though, is for you to use your timing. I have been working on this testimony for a bit now. The priesthood of believers. By Jennifer Waggoner. The two men convicted of the bombings, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, may have attended Michigan Militia meetings, according to media reports. Their religion has taught them to fear everything outside their pod. She can't be." I have never felt so happy and free. They will never be able to understand atheism, because even irreligious people in the USA hardly ever used that term until recently. Say nothing until you are ready. Theyre instead expected to wear dresses and skirts that hang below the knee. (a job I now loathe with my entire being, but thats another story. Chatfield recalled an instance in which her then-boyfriend and future husband, Aaron Chatfield, had run around the school in his boxer shorts. The messages from those teachings was not men shouldnt be raping. It was women shouldnt be going to parties, he said. 'Men of God' Current and formers members say many independent fundamental Baptist churches rule by fear. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from And breaking a childs rebellious spirit is a philosophical construct throughout the IFB faith. The anxiety of NOT going was somehow worse. He was very sweet and nice to me and in desperation to get away from my stifling household and overbearing parents; I rushed into marriage with him. A police report was released to the media, and Josh had admitted to molesting five underage girls, including some of his very own sisters. I did know about them, though, because I thought they were trying to make a profit off the very things we preached, while the rest of us independent fundamental Baptists were truly following God. I was judgey from afar and annoyed that they would be praised for doing what I and so many other people did live the life of a fundamentalist Christian. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from When we asked for more help to put the baby things together as my husband had surgery on his wrist and was in a cast and I was on strict restrictions NOT to lift anything, we had zero people show up. You were born depraved, so it goes, but Thank God you have churchmen there to help you with the cure: the Bible, properly decoded. For me, after years of questioning, the realization that I -- a mere mortal -- am a better parent than biblegod was my major step toward atheism. In fact having a child is what started me really opening my eyes. Josh Duggar: Founder of reformers unanimous accused of sex abuse cover-up protecting sex offender from prosecution: Report. Rebekah Leonard with her then high school boyfriend Aaron Chatfield after a soccer tournament. The first church was founded there in 1688, in Middletown and was made up of many who had fled persecution in the other colonies. David Gibbs Jr, like Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, has been a regular speaker at IBLPs conferences. Ruthie Heiler was steeped in IFB culture from birth. Counting on s Jim Bob Duggar is running for Arkansas State Senate-and Derick Dillard has thoughts. We are still married, and while hes still a great decent guy, looking back, if I hadnt been so crazed to get away I dont think I ever would have married him. He disciplined the child, and put the toddler back in the car and began driving again. Former Independent Fundamental Baptists - IFB KJV Join group About this group A group for those who have formally been associated with the Independent Fundamental Baptist movement, IFB. This image was widely distributed on Twitter following City Pulses report Chatfield was under criminal investigation for alleged sex abuse. Your extimony was well written. To have a "servant's heart" was preached and I feel that if anyone had that kind of "heart," it was us, women. A few years later we moved again to a new state where he once again was a youth/assistant pastor and after a few years there, he resigned, we moved again (this time in the same state), and he started his own church. or When she refused to stay quiet, her home and vehicles were vandalized. if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); Private Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); When she was born she was perfect. document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); Its normal behavior for a child to have, but to them they feel like you need to break a child of that rebellious spirit.. Glad you stumbled upon Ex-C and hope you enjoy your time here. She's kind hearted gentle sweet and has a moral compass already that was there when she was born and we are just helping her hone it. There are so many young boys I knew who were sweet and kind as young children only to grow into cold and unkind men who ordered women about. Not to mention of course the psychological impact of the repressive and abusive environment fostered by the philosophy. Thank you for this! Inside Duggar cult: we were taught our bodies dont belong to us. document.write (document.charset ? An Ex-Independent Fundamental Baptist Testimony. In the independent fundamental Baptist community, pastors are the ultimate authority and council: "Any issues, even legal issues, go to the pastor first, not the police. They are a growing group in the United States who are trying to take over the country by "soul-winning," which, in reality, is them telling people they want . Is a parent responsible for training a child? It is easy to miss Chatfields out-of-the-way church on Burt Lake, though visitors are still enthusiastically welcomed, including a City Pulse staffer. [1] The origins of the Independent Baptist movement are sketchy. I am glad you have been helped with therapy. var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); They are presented as extensions of the father. Yes "tough love" is their favorite way to accomplish their goal of getting you in line. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); Deva, I'm sorry you suffered the same childhood. if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); They most often have come to the aid of offenders and not the victims. console.log("Calling zone: " + zoneId); control over you terminated (1) when you reached adulthood and (2)became financially independent. Say nothing until you are ready. I was too busy living an isolated life in my church in a small farming town in Virginia. As a young girl, I was to be covered or Id tempt a boy or man to sexually assault me. Gothard), (F. B. (they dont realize about me yet.) 4. This is an independent fundamental Baptist program that has chapters in churches all across the country. According to the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life, there are. Other accusations by former members and followers speak to the mistreatment and harm they experienced through his teachings, the ATI curriculum, the groups conferences, their facilities, and more. A hallmark aspect of the Christian Fundamentalist and patriarchy movement is that men were the bosses in the church and at home, and women were to serve them. [CDATA[ April 24, 2023 . Feel free to add your own additions to the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Rule Book. Victims of abuse always will have a target on them. "NIFB" or "Andersonite"), short for The New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement, is an Independent Baptist cult run by Steven Anderson. I didnt follow the Duggars when I was an independent fundamental Baptist. zoneId = '14'; Former independent fundamental baptist church members what was the craziest thing you heard was a sin did you do it before and after. It was either you were in this community and you were in this church and you were in this school either all in, or you kind of disobey the rules, Rebekah Chatfield explained in a video interview with City Pulse about her experience in the church and school. My heart goes out to you. No matter what she does I would never treat her that way. I don't know your parents and siblings, of course, but their willingness to ostracize you seems to be a wholly religious thing. var width = jQuery(window).width(); "Original sin" is a clever way of getting you hooked for life on church mind control. (Attempts to independently verify Woodburys claims were unsuccessful.). I am just so happy that you are atleast mentally free from that, (dare I say it? Welcome to Ex-C! Justin Woodbury, 41, has left the IFB. Two days later, Rusty Chatfield appeared in the gym and summoned his son. The IFB church movement does not have centralized leadership, with each church setting up its own governing authority. Unfortunately, so is the mishandling of sexual crimes. I havent seen you here before. In other . hahaha. One other thing, take your time about coming out to your husband, family and others until YOU are ready. var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'? Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception - Exposing the Dangerous Teachings of the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Denomination Welcome to Edit Exposing the Dangerous Teachings and Traditions of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination Please scroll down to find a list of articles for your convenience. I suppose they would call it "tough love" or some such. Actually the only churches considered not to be in error are other Independent Baptist Churches, and even some of them are suspect. I am the daughter of an IFB missionary/evangelist, sister of an IFB pastor, and granddaughter of an IFB pastor. They have chosen to pretty much stay away. The Duggar family, so much in the news lately, are Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB), a loosely affiliated, singularly cultish denomination of Christian fundamentalists. For me it was being impure cussing and having a beer. (2015, September 10). Those who were particularly devout and raised in Fundamentalist denominations, however, are more inclined to suffer from what Dr. Marlene Winell, author of Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former. It was a program for girls who were troubled, she said. At age 12, Heilers mother moved to Gaylord, where she attended Grace Baptist Church and school. ), and stopped praying over our food. Offers of religious liberty drew many Baptists to settle in New Jersey. You , 1905 E. Michigan Ave.Lansing, MI 48912 Paddling, or corporal punishment, is allowed at Chatfields church. OPINION: Views expressed in Baptist News Global columns and commentaries are solely those of the authors. I suppose they would call it "tough love" or some such. For about a decade, I experienced all forms of abuse, including childhood sexual abuse. "I don't care what he says, I will never believe that a young, innocent baby deserves hell.". And its a rigid patriarchal sort of existence: When men are wrong, God is said to protect women and children if they follow the directions anyway. The anger is slowly fading toward them. Woodbury said he was spanked using a wooden dowel as a child. And critics said it was that environment that allowed him to allegedly sexually exploit women, including accusations that he abused a former 15-year-old student who went on to become his sister-in-law. By now Ive written about everything from ants to skyscrapers and met more fascinating and wonderful people than I can count. I was disappointed. The leading practitioners of spanking as training your children into godliness are Michael and Debi Pearl. We were there for 3 years. As a religious abuse survivor, this is my message to Baptist pastors | Opinion by Lydia Joy Launderville, The weakness of complementarian theology on display in Duggar trial | Opinion by Rick Pidcock, Look at the big picture to see the reckoning happening on sexual abuse | Opinion by Layne Wallace. Its a strict reading of the Bible that places women in servitude people to be seen but not heard. I could never under any circumstances I can conceive cut off contact with my child. I told him that I wanted them to see her standing up there and say, Thats a strong young woman who has fought back and healed.. Thank you for the links. Then Arkansas state Rep. Jim Bob Duggar and his wife, Michelle, lead 12 of their 13 children to a polling place in Springdale, Ark., on Tuesday, May 21, 2002. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar proudly endorsed Lee Chatfield for State Representative in 2014. Michael Pearl demonstrated the lesson with flexible plumbing tubing on the Dr. Drew show smacking Drew Pinskys hand until he said it hurts. She also volunteers for a nonprofit helping victims of religious abuse. That opened the flood gates to other information. I was raised in an independent fundamental Baptist household. After doing some reading lately, I realize we fell into the Quiverfull/Christian patriarchy family types as well, though we didnt adhere strictly to either one as my dad prided himself on following God only and not any one man. It helped start the first Baptist church in Philadelphia the following year. They married when both were 19. We were not allowed to date at all. How could Josh not have been legally held responsible for the molestation of children, even when he admitted to it himself? Welcome, Chatfield said, who asked, Where are you from? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); Independent Fundamental Baptist or Bible-Believing Baptist) are a particularly cranky fundamentalist branch of unaffiliated Baptists. But Josh Duggars confession of molesting children, of sexually abusing family members, never has made it to a courtroom due to numerous factors. For me it was being impure cussing and having a beer. And to this day that's true. My family members are some of the most miserable people on the planet. Josh Duggar in rehab: Reformers Unanimous Treating addiction in a biblical way. It naturally followed from there that I started looking into other ways to raise a child that didn't involve fear, intimidation, hitting, or telling her God was going to come down and strike her dead or send her to hell. Chatfields church was created in 1987. Why can't Christian family members just let us be happy and free?! If sexual abuse or any harm ever occurs, its because a victim did not stay in the role God had commanded they be in. A former Baptist missionary has been found guilty of sexually abusing a 4-year-old, who tested positive for gonorrhea last April Jordan Webb, affiliated with an Independent Fundamental Baptist church, could face up to 32 years in prison at his sentencing. //]]>-->, With only two incumbents running for four seats, the Lansing City Council is facing , MONDAY, May 1 Hes bringing down the Ax (Emanuel Ax), bringing out the Blow . They dont do drinking, said Eric Skwarczynsk, the host of the Preacher Boys podcast, which is dedicated to uncovering mental, physical, sexual and emotional abuses in the IFB church movement, often through the direct stories of its survivors. First, they create a problem that doesn't exist, then they offer a fake solution to the problem that doesn't exist.

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former independent fundamental baptists