14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} 14:52:30: Information - CEulaDialog::OnInitDialog(177) - IsShowSSONDialog returned = 0 and AppProtectionHelper::shouldShowAppProtectionDialogBox returned 1 14:52:30: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isAppProtectionCommandLineConfigured(393) - Checking commandline configuration for AppProtection 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallPackage(4022) - DxSetup.exe return value 0. (Aviso legal), Questo contenuto stato tradotto dinamicamente con traduzione automatica. 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(657) - Image: Key = HeaderLogo, Path = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\headerlogo.bmp 15:00:14: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(2806) - Component Install Status: ID = ReceiverInside, InstallMode = Install, InstallResult = 1603, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False 14:52:37: Information - StopDriverFilterService(3941) - Trying to stop driver service : ctxusbm 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_ru.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_ru.xml On Device Manager screen, expand Display Adapters entry and double-click on the Graphics Card. As you can see, the problems can be found by using various methods in Windows, but there is a useful little tool by NirSoft that can list both services and drivers from the same program. 14:52:37: Information - CProcess_Execution_help::CtxTerminateCOMExes(230) - process terminated with exit code= 1627 As a result, you might later be able to start Citrix Workspace app without entering any credentials. [CVADHELP-21604], Attempts to access Citrix Workspace app for Windows might fail when the VPN disconnects or reconnects. Starting an application and suddenly a BSOD. Follow, to receive updates on this topic. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version Verified that the Windows Management Instrumentation Service is running. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = BrowserEngine, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = BrowserEngine, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {CD29FC30-092F-4B47-82C8-F08F36863C45}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\CtxBrowserInstaller.msi, InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-CtxBrowserInstaller-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Steps taken to fix the problem: Tried killing all the Citrix Workspace processes while not connected to remote desktop (no success) Tried updating all the drivers to the latest version (no success) [CVADHELP-21258], When you disconnect and reconnect to a session that is set to full-screen mode, the toolbar location might not be retained. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\BrowserEngine. 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::setAppProtectionInstallSelection(486) - Enter Restart your app. Attempts to start a published application through Citrix Workspace app on an endpoint with more than eight monitors might fail with the following error message: This version of Workspace doesnt support the selected encryption. Restart the VDA machine. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it. 14:57:51: Information - CApp::MessageBoxShow(269) - Message Box shown to user: Service 'Citrix Workspace Updater Service' (CWAUpdaterService) failed to start. You can find more information, Install the Google browser. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\DesktopViewer. Please contact your administrator. Starting an application and suddenly a BSOD. This is a fresh install 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EnvInfo.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EnvInfo.dll 14:55:58: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(238) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: return value 0 (Aviso legal), Este artigo foi traduzido automaticamente. It seems in my case it might have been hardware-related. 14:55:12: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(238) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: return value 0 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ReceiverInside. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsDiskSpaceAvailable(423) - Disk Space Required 958397405 Bytes 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_it.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_it.rtf 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = mini_installer.exe, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\mini_installer.exe 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_fr.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_fr.rtf 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = ProductVersion, Value = 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = WebHelper.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WebHelper.msi [CVADHELP-19482], The Applocker rule in Group Policy Object blocks the integration of the Citrix Gateway plug-in with Citrix Workspace. 14:55:12: Information - CApp::MessageBoxShow(269) - Message Box shown to user: Service 'Citrix Workspace Updater Service' (CWAUpdaterService) failed to start. Using a Small Utility to List Services and Drivers. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = CitrixBrandingHelper.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\CitrixBrandingHelper.dll App Protection | Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2303 14:52:20: Information - StopDriverFilterService(4071) - The specified service ctxusbr does not exists as an installed service 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = UninstallPrompt, Value = Are you sure you want to uninstall this software? [CVADHELP-22116], With the Selfservicemode set to false, the stores added might not be refreshed correctly after opening Citrix Workspace app. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsReceiverInstalled(589) - Cannot read the install folder registry key value SOFTWARE\Citrix\Install\ICA Client\InstallFolder (Value not present.) Contact your system administrator with the following error. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {776B5739-C45E-49F5-8170-DD9729019299} 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2034) - Resource Module Path 1: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en\TrolleyExpressUI_en.dll If this value is set to 0, then set the value to 1 by completing the following procedure: Double-click this value and set this value to 1 (decimal) or 0x1 (hexadecimal). 14:52:20: Information - CApp::VerifyDiskSpace(469) - Cannot read the install folder registry key value SOFTWARE\Citrix\Install\ICA Client\InstallFolder (Value not present.) 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = SelfServicePlugin.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SelfServicePlugin.msi Roughly every 2 weeks. [CVADHELP-20742, CVADHELP-21277], A published application might open in a non-visible state when you start the application. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ICA_Client. (Key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb not present or cannot be accessed. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version (Key not present.) 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = sidebarbackground.bmp, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\sidebarbackground.bmp Installation of the .NET based software results in the failure of the Citrix Desktop services to start or restart. 14:52:37: Information - CAppProtectionDialog::OnInstallClicked(246) - User clicked Install/Next button. 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = Publisher, Value = Citrix Systems, Inc. 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::CleanObseleteMSIBeforeUpgrade(1761) - UpgradeCode= {C9170C32-D2ED-4099-8F44-6E14593DF1B9},Name={Vd3dClient} Error = 2) Check if DWORD value Enable64bit exists and is set to data 0. 14:52:37: Information - StopDriverFilterService(3950) - OpenService(ctxusbm) failed 1060 With this fix, you can suppress the webview authentication prompt while using the single sign-on authentication. (Key not present.) 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isCommandLineConfigured(448) - Enter 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Jun2010_d3dx9_43_x86.cab, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Jun2010_d3dx9_43_x86.cab The issue occurs with local default web browsers other than Internet Explorer. 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2035) - Resource Module Path 2: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en\TrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = AnalyticsInterface.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AnalyticsInterface.dll 14:52:20: Information - CApp::CheckIfUpgradeOverUnsuppotedVersionAllowed(1011) - Full pk not installed. Caution! Upvote if you found this answer helpful or interesting. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = AppProtection, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = AppProtection, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {C5A15829-7233-48A7-B34E-378A5C6D0D2C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AppProtection.msi, InstallOrder = 13, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AppProtection-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CApp::ReadInstalledPackageVersion(2510) - No existing package. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_de.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_de.rtf And the installation process went through without any error message You will be able to leave a comment after signing in. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services. Citrix workspace updater service failed to start, verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services - Windows 11 - . Subsequent attempts fail and the application does not respond. It's always related to entryprotect.sys. change without notice or consultation. Restarted it. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {DF1A9B33-DD88-4712-9922-CB01B3AB1C6A} Troubleshooting problems with Citrix Workspace download 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} RDP sessions might fail to launch on Citrix Workspace app 1912 LTSR CU6 for Windows when smart card redirection through RDP is enabled. Fixed issues | Citrix Workspace app 1912 LTSR for Windows (Key not present.) 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll 14:52:20: Information - CApp::Run(1531) - IN CApp::Run(). For months I have been getting BSOD's on my computer. 14:52:30: Information - CWelcomeDialog::OnNextClicked(275) - User clicked next button Citrix Preview 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(186) - Processing Resources: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en This issue occurs if there is a restriction to run unsigned binaries, for example, wfica.ocx. Our site does not support outdated browser (or earlier) versions. 14:52:19: Information - CApp::CheckIfInstallerCanProceed(665) - SecureBoot is Enabled in the system 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\USB. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\AM. [CVADHELP-21319]. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D2F83464-5687-4B49-8038-239D516FCB29}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi, InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AuthManager-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/. This is not an uninstall. This Preview product documentation is Citrix Confidential. 14:52:37: Information - CUtility_MetaInstaller::CtxTerminateSSONSVRProcesses(485) - Terminate the process ssonsvr.exe 14:52:37: Information - CApp::IsDotNetInstalled(2543) - The.NET Framework requirement satisfied 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(2722) - MSI Install from path : C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\RIInstaller.msi 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} You can suppress this certificate prompt by adding the following registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Citrix/Dazzle or HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Citrix/Dazzle, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wow6432Node/Citrix/Dazzle or HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wow6432Node/Citrix/Dazzle, If Client USB device redirection is disabled in an existing session and you start a new session with the redirection enabled, the redirection might not work. [CVADHELP-21173], When you open a published app in seamless mode, other local or seamless apps might appear in the foreground and cover the published app. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = SSON-Pkg, Value = Citrix PNA Installation I'm running G.Skill Trident Z RGB DDR4, 4x8GB, 3200MHz, CL14 (F4-3200C14Q-32GTZR) memory in quad-channel. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsDiskSpaceAvailable(422) - Disk Space Available 663698493440 Bytes (Key not present.) 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} (Key not present.) (Key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CitrixOnlinePluginFull not present or cannot be accessed. 14:52:20: Error - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(950) - Cannot get transformFileName path. 1999 - 2023 Citrix Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. As a result, the authentication window fails to appear. 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitInstance(1080) - Adding the registry (Key not present.) 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_de.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_de.xml 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Interop.WUApiLib.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Interop.WUApiLib.dll described in the Preview documentation remains at our sole discretion and are subject to I'm not running any 3rd party anti-virus software. 0 x Follow, to receive updates on this topic. Thanks for your feedback. Enabling the 64-bit version is controlled by a registry key named Enable64Bit, located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework.This key is set to a value of 0 by the third-party application installers to use the 32-bit framework version.Note: Uninstalling the third party software might not revert the registry value to 1. (Key not present.) After the change, XenApp locates the correct version of cmstart.exe . 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} [CVADHELP-20667], Dragging and dropping files from the user device to a published application might work the first time it is attempted. [CVADHELP-21159], When you minimize and maximize a desktop, the toolbar location might not be retained. 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2023) - Processing Resource Module Path: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D2F83464-5687-4B49-8038-239D516FCB29}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi, InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AuthManager-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {22FBF0A5-1222-41C8-9C86-EBF8A062F782}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SSONWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-SSONWrapper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Citrix Workspace app authentication might fail after initialization when attempted using a smart card through Citrix Gateway. 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isAppProtectionInstalled(377) - Check is AppProtection Installed (Key not present.) Please try again, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR for Windows, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR CU3 for Windows, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR CU2 for Windows, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR CU1 for Windows, When a Microsoft Outlook reminder appears during a Microsoft Teams call, a black square is displayed on the shared screen of Microsoft Teams. Right-click on the Start button and click on Device Manager. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\SSON. 14:56:35: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(213) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: Entry 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallPackage(3982) - Extracted Location found: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\\DxSetup.exe /silent 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1070) - Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {C3730689-D4B7-46FC-AAA4-9F3AEB9ACAD8}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\ICAWebWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Citrix workspace updater service failed to start, verify you have 14:52:37: Information - CApp::IsDotNetInstalled(2519) - Checking if .NET Framework is present with Min Release No 528040 (Key not present.) [CVADHELP-21582], The screen might display the authentication pop-up window on the upper left corner instead of displaying on the center. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(3211) - Selected Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {22FBF0A5-1222-41C8-9C86-EBF8A062F782}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SSONWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-SSONWrapper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {FE5C3BC9-611B-41CC-AC01-69C6F4717206} 14:52:20: Information - CPreserveRegistry::DeleteBackupRegistryKeysFolder(491) - Deleted backup registry folder in HKCU Getting the following error at workspace update: Windows account is admin. [CVADHELP-20912], Attempts to enumerate applications using the storebrowse command might fail if the Citrix Gateway URL used is **.\storebrowse.exe -U {Username} -P {Password} -D {Domain} -M 0x2000 -E {NSG_URL}. With this fix, a sign-in page appears when you log off from Citrix Workspace app for Windows. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version In attempting to download Citrix I am having no luck. "Retry" gets me right back to the same place. [CVADHELP-20818], When you start a seamless application in Windows 10 kiosk mode, the mouse cursor does not respond correctly and fonts might appear distorted. Installation constantly failes with the error message mentioned. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\AppProtection. Are you using their product (s)? This provides better control when multiple webcams are available in the user session. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = DesktopViewer.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\DesktopViewer.msi 14:52:30: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isCommandLineConfigured(448) - Enter

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entry protect driver failed to start citrix