My groupwellwe either went hysterical or crazy, I can't decide which. You have to eat portions of the pineapple each day. I'm tired. Grape Pie. People need to make the time to waste time. And absolutly NO air-pressure. I'm not exactly sure who they are, but: thanks! Today's rant is a panic rant. Either way, he got assasinated. I'm leavingnow I'm back! HUH? Everyone, clap for "Meg".I gotta goseeya later! In any caseit's awful. Now I want you to go to" If you do this I'll get points in the game. I probley should have capitalized something, or underlined but I'm feeling lazyhey, you try to keep your two and a half readers happy! gaussian elimination row echelon form calculator. WaitI really don't even know if anyone bothers to read this. Keep pressing it. You're shocked at my selfish, bad, memory. ", and translated it to German. Oh, well. I can just see Hot Dog, and Pizza trucks roaming the neighbor hoods, selling treats to hungry childrenand adults. That's talent. Some people disagree, the director of the Kansas Geological Survey said "I think this is part of a vast breakfast food conspiracy to denigrate Kansas. They give lots and lots of homework. What line of buisness, do you ask? Because what you're saying is that I'm talking to people in the future. And the plan would have failed and Neo might have died, along with a large portion of the city (the building was set to blow if there was any intruders) SoNeo's choice to attempt to save Trinity triggered the sequence of events that led to her death. Unless we spray-painted the snow purple, too. Next thing you know, you're internet connection will die. And now, back to our featured presentation. I'm back. THANKS FOR COMING! Seeya! TACO is still in my heart. Apparantly my standards of weird have gone up. You could travel in a straight line at the speed of light for a million years and all you'd prove is that the universe is really, really big. Any way, I'm leaving to eat some Cheessy goodness! What, is there a giant sign saying, "DEAD END"? Maybe, some day far in the future (like next Thursday) I'll print a copy of this insane text. I think. I can't believe I'm bothering to do this. That's how I knew it's name, picture and what it did. I figured you rush right on over to e-mail me. *nods* I thought so. Oh, and I would like to mention to my *snicker* LOYAL fans that this Longest Text Ever DOES get updated at least once a week, so please, please, please, PLEASE do not read this once, in one sitting and then leave forever, and ever and ever! Unless he has already been destroyed by an even more radical Anti-Cartoon-Owl group. yeah. Here, topic, topic, topic! theni got to go stand while people said a lot of stuff. I'm an evil villain, kitty and a freakazoid so far. And so I'm in deep doo-doo. We could call ourselves TACO! **** THAT LIPSTICKS THE WRONG COLOR FOR YOU!! This action has made her very suspicious of where my loyalties lie. Perhaps you don't have time to waste e-mailing me. It'd be like when you go to the bottom of the ocean, only with gravity instead of pressure*shudders* Pressure is evil, too. I'm gonna start counting how many times I say back. You CANNOT DENY it! Anyway, I'm gonna go. That's exactly what tanning is like. Did I mention that, yet. Goodbye for nowNow I'm back. Based. I have no problem with Lit. With a specific number of words. The only reason the makers of Cheese-Nips don't get sued is because of the tast difference and Cheese Nips are made of real "cheese" rather than cheez. Parents would increase the purchase of entertainment items. And then people will start reading. I promise. But, it ended up making more sense than I anticipated (scary thought, huh). EryeahI'm back. I won't be able to feed my various imaginary pets and friends their beloved imaginary food! Yeah. Because in some world, the video game is real. | 0.97 KB, C++ | I'm a genius. It's not fair. MOOSE! Or maybe it's notI meanwon't the quality *snicker* of my work deteriorate if I am no longer writing for the target audience of me? If (and this is a big if) the world DOES survive, we can beg them for food, oxygen and other supplies. Then they add other "stuff" in to make it TASTE pure. These people have obviously suffered major brain damage from their prolonged exposure to the sun. Ooooo! You see, I periodically read the longest text ever to check the constant downward spiral of my sanity. You wanna play that way. Was it coherent? *sniffle* I feel so sorry for you! The universe is EVERYTHING, how can it end? Yeah. I didn't know that they had such good technology back then. You are deviousI give you that. Anyway, I just finished rereading my longest text ever. Anyway, today's rant is about one of my many and various pet peeves: fasion andstuff. Have you ever had the evil pop-up that says that if you click here, it'll get rid off all the annoying pop-ups? And they pushed my toes together. It'd be cool. | 0.12 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. I'm gonna quote from the FLAMING CHICKENS HANDBOOK again! I'm sorry that today's rant isn't random, insane or completely chaotic, but I must right my experience with The Matrix before I forget. Wellprepare to be enlightened. But none have struck terror in her little moose heart like this particular feather. Chomp" And he bites it. No one is really coming here, anyway. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Answer me, you blobby looking freak! MOstly donut cake. Pathetic, wasn't it? I figure that even the people I manage to lure onto my site from neopets don't even bother to come to this particular page. I wonder what it's name would be. I don't WANT to do the same thing for an entire year. The vendors even play whimsical music which I strongly suspect contains subliminal messages to make you hungry for ice cream. i'll copy and paste this to my site. Air pressure. Waithowhow can I BE logic? The entire message board was like one big insane asylum. Neo is told that he has two choices. I mean, she traded Asia for a carrot! When I pressed her, she confessed she didn't know what chrisianity was. And that's just what I can list from memory. I mean, who'd a thought? Just like thos so called "diet supplements" that give you a "free" sample because they know that once you try it, you'll like it so much you'll spend oodles of cash on it. Before we knew it, we were on the road. When she came back, 'lo and behold, she had a tan. This is because she memorizes the questions. If they're anything like my sister, I'm movin' to Canada. Plus, the fire gradually gets louder, and hotter, and smokier. i felt sorry for my dad. I'm leavin', for now. In otherwords, she's a small yappy dog who is big for her breed. Types Of Mental Illness . I was looking forward to having A elective, while everyone else was enjoying three or fouror even more. The 'Shut yo bubble gum dum dum' sound clip has been created on Nov 16, 2021. It's been awhile, (at least two weeks) since I've written here. Are you tired. But somewhere, it exists. (and redundancy!) Cheese is watching. Then he preceeded to trash my room, scattering kleenex everywhere. Wellthey are. Or maybe you're just skimming. Of course, when I next saw my Mom, she retold the story to me, several times. But they really were'nt buffoal wings 'cause buffalo's don't have wingscause they come off when they are babies, JOsh says so and he must be right causse he's been having Profound Thoughts even though he cannot remember them. You thought you'd gotten rid of me. Next semester will be almost exactly like this one. If you judged everything by what it doesn't acomplish, then the entire world is populated by pointless beings. That my words somehow travel accross time (if only a few minutes) and are somehow picked up by future you, and that my responses are dictated by future you's reactions. I've been obsessed with various webcomics, creating the stupidly long new Phobia Quiz and being maniacly hysterical about my site always being down due to bandwith issues. As you may or may not know, small children swarm the ice cream trucks. See? UNDER SUCH EXTREME HEAT, WEAR AND DEGRADATION IS INEVITABLE!! After all, you're a responsible, intelligent person who apparently has a lot of time on your hands. *sniffle* i do, too. And most people don't even come here. maybe the longest text ever. I finnaly get some free time to rant and rave and all my topics just magically melted away. Why can't I? I am here to bring AWARNESS to your moosey soul! I tell people I know about this site, but they either ignore this page, or don't even bother coming to the site in the first place. I better goI think Kodak is tracing my site.I'm back now! I can usually fall back asleep (if I don't panic and think I'm late for school), but the stupid thing wakes me up again exactly seven hours after I originally fell asleep. I'm sure some so called "scientist" can prove all my theories wrongbut how? E-mail. Unless you're bored. HmmmmI suppose I should clarify that the Pikachu game was 3-D and your character was in first person mode(you see through character's eyes). She immediatly replied "Clara Barton". It's pushing down on me, squishing my spine. After all, how can I be self derisive, and full of low expectations for this site if I KNOW people are hereseveral thousand of them in fact, in just a few months. Geee.that is comforting. If so, I guess I won't be writing here for quite awhileseeya. Now THAT'S just weird. THe cake was good. It's stupid and ironic and just shouldn't exist in a better world. there were lots of fireworks. I know, you were just crushed that nothing new was happening. We need to act now! It's just weird. It's a law, I think. That also explains why normal stuff confuses me. Okay, this next rant has nothing to do whatsoever with Halloweenwhich is to be expected because it's been several days since then. Squirell? It was inspired, in part, by my sheer and utter boredom. It's called Hit-Or-Miss, any topics, plot, etc. Why bother asking? I'm gonna launch THE OFFICIAL FLAMING CHICKENS LUNAR COLONY! You need a fire truck at this pointBoy, shut cho bubblegum dum dum belt buckle banana truphle huned kunucklenuckle skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone post Malone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone friend zone sylvester stallone sierra leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone stone cheek bone alone cyclone homegrown jawbone postpone unknown mega phone un grown hydrozone moricone muscle tone safety stone microphone progenstarone mountain anemone boan groan allophone cyclacone ankle bone leave me alone Tik tok Knock Knock 12 O'Clock Plug walk Millie Rock Nighthawk pea cock Moon walk Engine block interlock penny stalk after talk alarm clock interspawk sour dock down the block poison hemlock Jay walk chalk walk hawk squak electrical shock metamorphic rock sedimentary rock my glock has a lock jack sack six pack lack around the track pack the snack in the crack kodak black backpack feedback attack a kodiak asma attack in my back data track maniac telephone rack in my stack bushwack dentist plaque bumper track heart attack smack hack tac quak quak flack pack in rack tippy tap slap the baseball cap frap trap nap gap zap trap lap whack back lap handicap weather map air sac comeback halfback knickknack bounce back hatchback look back macaque Pat back unstack clack similac megalomaniac trick or treat smell my feet tweet the girl on the main street complete concrete defeat take a seat neat meat eat athlete back seat blow doe flow borrow elbovw combo grow glow joe hoe snow throw willow audio gizmo show micro metro tobacco tornado torpedo free throw John Doe slow borrow torso templo woe cargo strow know the beau looking splatoon up--------------------i have no idea why this is so popular#pivot #pivotanimator #animation #stickfigures #stickman #funny #roast

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